Chapter 14 / Finally happy

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Sorry, that it turned out a little later, than planned. I had a toothache all day today and so I didn't really get to write. I still have a little pain, but I'll go to the dentist tomorrow haha. But enough about me (whom we'll talk about, at the end ;)), have fun with the last chapter :)

2 Weeks later:

"Have you heard of Ellie's new plan?", Sam asked, as he stood next to Penny, who was standing in the fire station's kitchen and made tea.

"A new plan? Okay, who will be next at my door?", laughed Penny, as she took her cup and sat down at the table with Sam.

He laughed briefly at Penny's comment. "No, a really great plan. Don't worry about that."

"Why is Ellie telling you her plan, but not me?", she asked, shocked and a little confused.

"Because I'm a good advisior in love things?!"

"You? You Samuel Jones are good in love things? Will I still see the day?"

"Very funny", Sam shook his head and got up from the chair to get something. Penny looked after him, confused. What's next and what's Ellie's plan. Sam came back into the kitchen, holding his phone to show Penny the chat.

"But you already know, that phones are forbidden on duty", she said and looked at Sam questioningly.

"I thought you'd like to know Ellie's plan?", he smiled. "And believe it or not, but Ellie wanted my advice on, whether her plan is a good one. Look here."

Penny was amazed, when she read the chat: "I don't want to hide my feelings any longer. That's why I want to confess everything today, confess all my feelings to him. I want to go to Steele's office for that. I want to finally listen to my heart and just be happy. I want to approach everything spontaneously, but I'm not entirely sure either. What if I say something, that I don't mean? Or if he doesn't recoprocate my feelings? How have you been with Penny? I urgently need your help! I'm so nervous..."

"She really asks for your help. But why in Steele's office?"

"It's the quietest place in the fire station. You know we were there often too", he said with a big grin on his face.

"Yes I know, I know", Penny laughed annoyed and obviously blushed. "What advice did you give Ellie now, Mister love?"

"I haven't told her more, than she already knows. She can do it without me. And who knows, maybe we'll soon have the new dream couple in Pontypandy."

"That would be so nice. I hope so much for them both. They've been looking at each other from a distance long enough. It's time!"

"Does this situation remind you of anything?", Sam smiled and thought to himself, how he couldn't tell Penny either, because he was too scared.

"We were like that. We also had feelings to each other. Somehow we owe it to Ellie, that we're together... If she hadn't hurt us, we probably wouldn't be together today."

"Sad but true", Penny agreed. "Ellie can do it! She's actually not shy."

"Hey you two! What are you talking about?", Arnold asked curiously, when he walked into the kitchen.

"About nothing important. Oh, now that I see you Arnold, Ellie wants to speak to you at Steele's office."

"Why doesn't she tell me that herself and why in Steele's office?"

"Because it's the quietest room in the fire station", Penny said with a shrug and had to keep from laughing. Arnold looked visibly confused, because he had no idea what Penny found so funny.

"Just go Arnold! Ellie will be waiting."

"Okay Sam, thanks.", he waved quickly, before he leaving the kitchen.

"I hope everything will work out", Sam said, putting his arm around Penny.

In Steele's office:

Arnold entered the office and saw Ellie sitting in a chair waiting. When Ellie saw him, she immediately jumped up from the chair to stand in front of him.

"Sam said you wandet something from me?", Arnold asked calmly, but the pich of his voice showed, that he was getting nervous.

"I.... I wanted ....", but she got not further, because he put his hand on her cheek and gently stroked it with his thumb.

"What did you want?", he asked gently, before he realized what he was doing. Their faces were only inches apart. Where did his courage suddenly come from?

"I want you!", she confessed, but the fear of being rejected was still big.

"I want you too! More than anything else in the world..."

"What do you waiting for? Finally kiss me."

He didn't want to hear more and kissed Ellie with a passion, that made her think no longer clearly. When they broke up, no one could say, how long they had kissed. They lost themeselves in each other's eyes, until they heard loud cheers. Sam, Penny and Elvis stood in the door and were very happy for their friends

"Arnold, since when have you been so brave?", Elvis laughed sarcastically.

"Maybe he'll be a real player?", Sam joined in too and got a bad look from Penny for it.

"Hello? You can make stupid comments later, guys. I'm so happy for you", said Penny and left the room smiling.

"But I'm also happy for them both, my love", he said, and hurried after his girlfriend.

"I think, I should follow them, before Penny kills him", Elvis giggled and waved to them, as he also left the room.

"How do they actually manage to live together, without strangling each other?", Arnold laughed at his friends.

"They love each other. Believe me, I'll want to kill you often too."

"Then I can hardly wait."

I'm sorry it's not the best. But that's it, that was the final chapter. I just wanted to thank you, guys! Your great feedback motivated me enormously. I always had a lot of fun writing, even if I went crazy at times haha. That was my first complete Story, but I have to admint, that I didn't plan the story properly and I realized in the middle, that I had run out of ideas. So it generally took longer to write each chapter. The next story is coming soon and it's already planned :) I'm looking forward to seeing, how you will find them. Thanks again to you, guys - you're really amazing! Have a nice day and I love you all ;)

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