Chapter One: Just another death to you

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I lay with my blood pouring out, I pray that my mum got out of the house before the hunter set it alight. I'm sixteen and a werewolf meaning, no matter how hard I try to fit it, the hunter always find me.

I think about how my dad would have protected us, but he's dead and that was my fault, I recap on how he died, I watch as my younger self shouts to him but his wolf form stays still, "daddy" I cry over and over again.

My mum picks my nine year old self up and we moved to England. Screams echo in my mind but I'm still in my memories. "Kay" Someone shouts, I'm pulled out to my mum screaming from the top window of our house.

"Mum" I yell out, the hunter grins at me then shoots, pain fills me and I fight not to pass out, I growl and try to get up. "Kay" My mum pleads for me to help her.

I mange to get up and attack the hunter, "You will die now" I roar.

I act so fast, he doesn't even have the Chance to scream. I rip his heart out and make him eat it. I love that way his eyes widen then glaze over and at that moment I swear I will kill every hunter I can find.

I remember that my mum is still in the house so I run in, smoke threats I choke me but I carry on knowing the only person I love will die.

"Mum" I shout, nothing shouts back. crying with the smoke I jump the stairs. As I get to the top they collapse, can not get back that way I tell myself.

I hear the fire people arrive and know I'm running out of time. "MUM!" I scream, my voice breaks at the end but I don't care.

I finally get to the top room and see my mum laying face first on the ground, "NO, no not like dad please no" I whisper, making my way over.

"Son you need to come this way" Someone says behind me, I turn and growl ready to defend my mum.

I get to her and pick her body up, I check her pulse but there is not one. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I cry into the night. Just as I stat to make my way to the fireman the floor buckles, sending me and my mum into the black, swiling fire below.

I bet this is what hell looks like, I don't deserve to go here, I didn't do any thing wrong I think to myself as I fall.

"I love you mum" I cry as we head for the fire, I see my life flash before me. I never had a childhood and now I'm going to die is all I can think over and over.

I hit the ground first making sure my mum is covered. "Son" The man shout but I just want to fade away. My body burns but I don't feel it.

My body starts to shut down but not before I see someone above me, They grab me and hurl me and my mum up.

There is a god!!!!. Just as I think I'm safe I see a beam heading towards us "LOOK OUT" I shout weakly to the person who ducks in time.

We are pulled out and layed across the grass, I crawl over to mum and try to wake her up. "MUM, Mummy please wake up,I can't lose you too" I cry over and over again.

Eventually my body givers up and I pass out, blackness swirls around me and memories engulf me.


Thank you all for reading and don't forget too check out the first book in the series; Twisted Grace

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Love and peace
The first chapter of the second book thank you all for reading

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