It Was Freezing Out, We Lost Our Minds

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Tuesday. Barry had no idea what was going to happen to him. He had a free period after lunch and decided to make some homework. Now that he wasn't grounded anymore he wanted to impress his parents. He wanted to show them that if he tried hard enough he could het a C-. But he didn't get much time to study because his team mates showed up at his table. When he looked up he looked right into one pair of angry eyes. And then he saw four more pairs of angry eyes. He stood up, putting his hands forwards, showing them he was sorry for whatever he had done. But that wasn't accepted as he felt a fist in his face. He stumbled and tried not to fall to the ground. "What the hell are you doing, Charlie?" Barry asked as he reached out to his face to see if there was any blood. There wasn't. "You know the stakes. And you dare to not show up for practice? The coach may forgive you for this because you are his star player but we also have talents. You're off the team, Allen. You can turn in your clothes tomorrow"

Barry felt another puch in his face and then the footsteps faded away. He felt like crying. He had lost his scholarship when he went out with Caitlin to cheer her up yesterday. He was wondering if it was worth it. Then he removed that thought from his mind. There was no changing it now. The guys weren't on his side anymore. There was no way in hell he was going back there.

When he walked home from school after turning in his clothes he had cooled down. He realized that this was perhaps the best option. Since this year he disliked basketball a lot, but because his parents didn't have the money for the college of his dreams he kept going. Was Caitlin worth it? Then he opened the front door. He needed to discuss this with his parents.

"We're sorry, Barry, we really are" Nora said genuine. Barry knew she meant it. That didn't mean it didn't hurt any less. There was no way he was going to New York. He needed to cope with this somehow but he didn't know how. He was disappointed in himself. "But you can still go to college in Central City. We know this isn't your first choice... or your second, or third, but if you can get all C's you can get in" Henry said sadly. "Look, there is no other way, I get it. But I'll get those C's and I'll make you proud" Barry said, standing up and walking up the stairs. Maybe he should try and see the bright side of all this. Caitlin had told him once that she was going to a medical school in Central City. He would be close to Caitlin and that made it easier. And he knew she was going through some rough things too.

"Is your dress ready for tomorrow?" Carla asked. Caitlin nodded as she continued chopping the vegetables. Since her dad had died a few days ago, Carla had been distant towards Caitlin. She had thrown herself into her work and Caitlin had to take care of herself. She hated the situation she was in even more than the one she was in when her dad was alive. Caitlin had never been close to her mother as close she had been with her father. Her mother had always been a little distant, like she never wanted a daughter. Caitlin never understood but always tried to make the best of things. She had never experienced a connection between mother and daughter. But Caitlin knew she was going to make her proud one day when she got her PhD. When she looked outside she saw it was snowing. She loved the snow! It was literally in her last name. "How long till we're going to eat?" she asked. "At least an hour"

"Can I go out?" Caitlin knew she could use a distraction. When her mother nodded she ran to her coat and shoes and slammed the door shut behind her. Barry lived three blocks away from her house. Maybe he'd have time for her, even though it was freezing out.

Barry was immediately enthusiastic. He followed her outside as the world had turned white. They walked around, Barry talking about how he lost his scholarship. Caitlin knew she had to lighten the mood.

Suddenly, Barry felt something cold thrown against his face. He gasped as he looked at Caitlin. She was giggling. He smirked as he bent down and collected some snow for his snowball. Then he threw it towards Caitlin. It hit her shoulder and she giggled. They got into this big snowball fight and they ended up being soaked and cold. They were going out of their minds and they forgot the troubles in their lives. Both hadn't had this much fun in so long. "I wish this moment wouldn't end" Barry confessed and saw how Caitlin tried not to blush. He laughed as he friendly pushed his shoulder against hers. She lost her balance and fell in the snow. Barry gasped. "Are you okay??" he asked worried as he reached out his hand. But Cailin just laughed loudly till she got a stomach ache. Them she took his hand and pulled him in the snow next to him. He landed with his face in the snow. Because it had been snowing the entire time the ground was covered with almost ten centimeters snow and it didn't hurt. He turned around so he was lying on his back next to Caitlin and laughed too.

A few minutes of laughing and crying at the same time, Barry stood up, shook the snow from his clothes and reached his hand out for Caitlin, praying she wouldn't bring him down again. She didn't and she cleaned her clothes a bit as well. He stared into her eyes. They were so beautiful and he forgot everything around him. Did he like her? Then he realized she was staring back at him. But then she cleared her throat and looked at the ground. "We should get home" Barry suggested. "Shit! I forgot the time!" Caitlin realized they had been gone for hours. "Come on" Barry sprinted towards Caitlin's house. "Bye, Barry" she said as she turned around and walked towards her front door. "Bye" he yelled with a grin on his face. Then he put his hands in his pockets and walked home. He smiled to himself as he thought about Caitlin.

Hii!! First of all, thank you for the 400+ reads! it means so much!!

Holy shit I enjoyed writing this chapter so much!! Also, i feel single atm :(((( I need snow and a boyfriend hehehe.

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