We Could Only See Each Others Eyes

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Barry was looking into the mirror and doubt struck him. Was he good enough for someone like Caitlin. We was wearing black jeans and a sweater. He didn't look like a charming prince, but on the other hand, it was 14 degrees fahrenheit outside. He had planned the most awesome thing ever, though. Hoping it was good enough for a first date he took his bike and cycled to Caitlin's. 

"Can't you just tell me where we're going?" Caitlin chuckled as they cycled to a part of town where Caitlin hadn't been much in the recent years. "No, that will ruin the surprise but I know you're going to love it" Barry said with much confidence, but in reality he was freaking out. What if she hated it? What if she didn't want anything to do with him after this? What if he wasn't good enough for her? But there was no time to answer all these questions because they arrived. They parked their bikes a few hundred meters away and Barry blindfolded Caitlin. "Is this really necessary?" she had sighed, but Barry told her yes. He led her to the place and thought for a moment she could hear his heart beat. 

Caitlin gasped as the blindfold was removed. "I love it!" she squealed and hugged Barry. This was a big relief for Barry, who embraced Caitlin happily. "I will pay for everything today, so if you want anything, just ask. I have enough for the entire day" he said as they entered the building. First, they rented ice skates and switched them with their shoes and then they went to the ice. "I've loved ice skating since I was a little kid" Caitlin tells when they step onto the ice carefully. "I am almost as bad in ice skating as I am in driving, so prepare yourself" Barry chuckled as he stretched his arms to keep his balance. "Come on" Caitlin said, grabbing his hand and dragged him with her. 

They had the time of their lives. Caitlin kept laughing when Barry fell for the tenth time. After two hours they had to give the skates back. "That was awesome, thank you" Caitlin smiled as they walked out of the building. "Oh, you didn't think we were done, did you?" Barry smirked as he took her hand and went back to their bikes. He found a cafe and ordered two hot chocolates with whipped cream.  They ordered both a muffin. 

Caitlin started telling about her love for biology and chemistry and that she wanted to become a doctor when she was older. Barry loved listening to her. She had this soft, beautiful voice that was just perfect. "What school are you applying to?" she suddenly asked. Startled, Barry thought about what he was going to say. "There's this university in Central City. I don't know" he shrugged. "I thought you had a basketball scholarship?" she tilted her head. Why did she always seem concerned about him? He smiled. "That's off the table. They kicked my out of the team. And I'm glad they did because now I have more time that I can spend with you" he said and saw Caitlin blush. 

After Barry paid the bill they walked around for a while. They didn't have a destination, what made it even better. Caitlin had her arm tangled in Barry's and even though her face, fingers, and toes were frozen, she felt warm on the inside. 

Around seven pm Barry took Caitlin to a restaurant. It was really fancy and for a moment Caitlin thought about how Barry was going to pay for this. "Reservation for Mr Allen and Miss Snow" Barry said to a waiter. He led them to a table. There was a lit candle on the middle of the table, which made it very romantic. "Wow" Caitlin whispered as Barry took her coat. 

Barry had thought about everything and Caitlin loved it. She'd never experienced something like this and she couldn't stop smiling. The only 'date' she'd ever had was with Ronnie. It wasn't even a real date. They went on a picnic together because her mother had pushed her into doing it. She remembered how Ronnie had tried to kiss her and she had just turned her head the other way. Even though he had probably felt like a failure at that moment, he never stopped trying. The waiter brought their main dish. It smelled delicious. 

They walked home through the snow with their bikes in their hand. It was too slippery to cycle home. Caitlin shivered. It was freezing. Barry quickly put his bike down, took off his coat and gave it to Caitlin. "Aren't you cold?" she asked before accepting it. He shook his head. Then she gladly accepted it and they continued walking home. 

Barry walked her to her porch. She let go of his hand and turned to him. "Thank you for tonight. I totally loved every second of it" she smiled. "It was my pleasure" Barry said jokingly and bowed his head. Caitlin giggled. Then he looked into her eyes and she looked into his. Time seemed to freeze just like the world around them. Barry wanted to kiss her so badly, but he saw how she was backing out when he moved a little closer. So he just looked away and cleared his throat. "I will see you on Monday, milady" he bowed one more time and walked back to his bike. Then he turned around and watched as Caitlin went inside. What he didn't see was that after she closed the door she leaned against it and closed her eyes. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She got red when she realized she definitely had a crush on Barry. 

He went home, feeling really good inside. Even though he had the feeling she didn't want to kiss him, he knew she liked him, too, in some way.

Me trying not to scream hahahaha. I hope you enjoyed this chapter :D

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