Let's Break The Rules Again, Do Something Fun

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A few days had passed. On Thursday Barry had had his tutoring session and on Friday Iris was back at school. He had spent as much time with her as he could. It was Sunday night. Right before Barry went to bed he walked up to his father. "Dad?" he asked with the pitiest voice he could fake. "Yes?" he frowned as he looked up from his book. "Can I go out tomorrow?"

Looking over his glasses his dad responded: "As long as you don't turn that F into a B you ain't going anywhere. School's important and you need to realize that this can't continue any longer" his father answered and turned back to his book. Barry sighed and went to bed. There was no space for discussion. This was just the way it was. He needed to find a way to hang out with Iris without his dad noticing. And while he was lying in bed he came up with the best plan he had ever come up with. 

On Monday morning he surprised Iris when she was looking into the small mirror in her locker. She let out a gasp as Barry kissed her neck softly. She turned around and gave him a kiss on the lips. "Hi" she smiled. "How are you feeling?" Barry asked thoughtfully. "It's finally over. And I finally get to see you again" she whispered as she closed her locker. Then she asked: "Are you still grounded?"


"That's unfortunate. My dad is out of town, because of some special investigation in Star City. He won't be back in a few days"

"But... I do have time this afternoon, after school, my dad won't find out" Barry smirked as he pecked her lips. "I'm glad to hear that" Iris whispered and they walked to Biology. 

Between classes Barry hurried to his locker to get his clothes for PE. He didn't notice Caitlin approach him. "Hey, I got you this. If you'd like to read this while you're eating lunch or something, then we can talk about it after school. Don't forget the tutor session" she said, handing over a piece of paper and disappearing in the hallways. Barry put the paper in his locker and sprinted to PE. 

While he was eating lunch he thought about the paper Caitlin had given him. He wan't going to read all of that! He shook his head imaginary and continued eating. 

Barry had one period longer on Monday, which meant Iris had already gone home. He didn't mind. Iris' house wasn't far. After English Barry avoided the library and ran to Iris' place. He took a moment to catch his breath before he rang the doorbell. 

Iris opened and she was wearing a gorgeous dress. It was really short and Barry couldn't keep his eyes off her boobs. With the conversation he had with Oliver last week in his head he took off his shoes and jacket. "What do you wanna do? We've got like two hours max" Barry said as he followed Iris to the kitchen. She took some snacks from the fridge and walked back to the living room. "You decide" she said with a smirk as they sat down. Barry knew he had to do it. He wanted to keep Iris in his life and he didn't want to give up Oliver nor his popularity. He moved closer to her and grabbed her cheeks gently. Then he pressed his lips against hers. She accepted him and he pressed his body closer to hers. He felt Iris' hands moving from his neck to his lower back and he enjoyed the feeling (or so he thought). Then he pulled her on top of him and he continued making out. She moaned and he knew she was smiling inside. It made him forget his standards. He pulled her as close as he could. He thought about Oliver and his popularity, and of course, about Iris. Even though he deep down didn't want to do this; losing his virginity to a girl he would probably not end up with, he still didn't want to lose all the good things in his life. He had to try again. 

As they lay on the couch, making out, Barry gave up all of the sudden. He already knew this was not what he wanted and he finally found the strength to wait and not follow Oliver into the stuff he was doing every day. Barry pulled back his head a little and tried to push Iris' off him. She grunted a little annoyed. "Something wrong, babe?" she asked. She put on a beautiful smile and Barry almost fell for it immediately. But he managed to snap out of it and pushed Iris off him completely. "What are you doing?" Iris said, trying not to sound indignant. "I need to-" Barry started, but stumbled on the ground. "What are you doing, silly? You want this too, don't you?" Iris asked as she reached for his blouse. But Barry grabbed her hand and brought it back to herself. "What's wrong?" she asked as her mood started to change. "I'm sorry, I just- I don't think I can do this" Barry mumbled regretfully. "Barry, you did this last time. I thought you got over it. Don't be a wuss!" Iris was frowning when she stood up. "Wuss? You never call me that, only Oliver ca-" Barry stopped talking mid-sentence and dropped his jaw. "Did you sleep with Oliver?" he asked in a quiet monotone voice.

Iris didn't look Barry in the eyes. She licked her lips as she searched the right words. "You're not denying!" Barry exclaimed. "Look, it's not that bad. Everyone sleeps with everyone! Who cares!"

"I care! Why would you sleep with my best friend?"

"I didn't think it was such a big deal? I was drunk and-"

"When?" Barry was getting furious. "Saturday" Iris whispered as she turned red. 


"No. Oliver said I had to pretend so he could prove a point after he slept with me"


"BECAUSE WE'VE BEEN TOGETHER FOR THREE YEARS, BARRY, AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN EACH OTHER NAKED" Iris was getting mad too. "So you thought this gave you the right to sleep with my best friend?" Barry tilted his head. He couldn't believe it. He grabbed his coat, put on his shoes and left without saying another word.

As he glanced at his watch he noticed it way already dinner time. He gasped and ran as fast as he could. He didn't realize they had been making out for almost three hours. I guess he really liked her, but now he didn't know what would happen to them. He was furious about the whole thing and needed time to think. When he entered his house he knew he was an hour later than usual. "Where have you been?" his mother asked. She didn't look up from the saucepan. "Sorry, we forgot the time. I learned a lot about cell devision" Barry said as serious as he could, trying not to think of the previous hour. "Dinner's ready" his mother sighed. Barry sat down and sighed. He knew he had broken the rules and for what? For some fun? Well, he didn't have fun. That is what he had learned today. 

Snowbarry's, do not worry, this is (one of the) last WA scenes :D I don't like this either..

Also, i wanted to let you know that my testweek starts tomorrow (Thursday) and that i probably don't have time to write. I hope i can find some spare time in the weekend so you guys don't have to wait too long. That means that next week i won't upload more than two chapters, but i'll start being more active after that horrible week. 

imma mess up german tomorrow and chemistry on friday let's gooo. 

stay safe <3

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