Could Never Be Seen In Reality

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Time passed quickly and before they knew it they were nearing graduation. It was almost summer and the weather was already beautiful. Barry had invited Caitlin to as many picnics as he could organize. They were having the time of their lives and nothing could ruin it. "What exam do you have on Monday?" Barry asked. Because Caitlin's mom was still working 24/7, Caitlin ate every Saturday dinner at Barry's. "Chemistry" 

"And? Do you think you're going to nail it?"

"I don't know. Since my dad passed away, I have been struggling with keeping up. I'm sorry I had to cancel tomorrow" Caitlin felt bad. Barry had invited her for movie night but she knew that she had to do everything in her power to pass this exam. "It's all right. I should have thought about how you still have exams even though my last one was Friday. We'll celebrate the end of your exams next weekend."

"Thank you for understanding. I'm really nervous"

"Don't be. You're amazing and you're gonna do great!"

"I'm glad you're optimistic" Caitlin laughed. 

Every weekend, Barry would walk her home. They would walk hand in hand and they'd talk about their lives. About their futures. And no matter what kind of romantic date Barry had planned, it were moments like these that Caitlin loved the most. Just an ordinary heart to heart talk with no one around to hear them. Sometimes it was raining. Sometimes it was still warm outisde. And he would grab her hand and Caitlin would remember this was exactly why she was in love with Barry. 

"Thank you" Caitlin said. She didn't want to say goodbye yet. "For what?"

"For being here for me no matter what"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

But when Caitlin went inside her whole world got turned upside down. It was the first time since weeks that her mother had been home when she had gotten home. She was sitting in the same chair as she always did when she was home. She was talking to someone through the phone. Caitlin couldn't hear the other person. "Next month already? That's good. Yes... Yes... Okay, thank you so much! Yes, I will see you next weekend. Okay, bye"

Caitlin just stood there with a million questions. Who was her mother talking to? When she had put down the phone she noticed her daughter. "Caitlin, darling, I have news. You might want to sit down for this" she said, pointing to the chair opposite of her. Caitlin squinted her eyes as she walked to the chair, hesitantly. "Look, last week I got a job offer and after thinking it through I decided to take it. I will have a higher position and of course, a higher salary. I need it because I received some hospital bills. The insurance won't cover it anymore"

"Where will we be going?"

Carla sighed. She looked at the ground as she uttered the words. "New York"

"NEW YORK? That's across the country!!" Caitlin didn't even realize she was yelling. "I know, but you can go to college there and you'll make new friends, so"

"You just want to move to get me away from Barry! I won't allow it. I am staying here!" Caitlin screamed and ran to her room. Tears filled her eyes. She couldn't believe her mother wanted to move just because she thought Barry was a bad influence on her. Why else would she want to move? They didn't need the money. 

When Caitlin came downstairs the next morning, her mother was making breakfast. This hadn't happened since her father died. That was months ago. No matter how angry she was with her mother, it did smell delicious and when Caitlin was younger she loved when her mother made breakfast. Now it felt more like bribery. "I made pancakes. It's Sunday. It was your father's favorite day of the week" Carla said as she set the table. Caitlin sat down, as hesitantly as last evening. "Look, I know I should have talked with you about this. I know. But I did think this through. We both know I don't like that Barry Allen, but that's not the reason we're moving. If we don't move to New York, we're going to have to move to an apartment and then I still can't pay it all. Please, don't be mad" Carla said as she put the plate with all the pancakes on the table. Caitlin didn't respond and they started eating. "I don't want to leave Barry. We're both going to college here" she finally said determined. "Caitlin, you're not listening to me. You have to go with me. I can't pay for a place for you in town. And New York's college is cheaper anyway" Carla was getting a bit annoyed. "Mom, I'm not leaving!" Caitlin tried to restrain her voice. "I'm sorry, darling, but we have no other choice. After graduation we have to leave."

Caitlin lost her appetite and went to her room. She had a chemistry exam tomorrow and needed to study a lot this day. 


"Hey, just calling to ask how you're feeling" Caitlin heard Barry say through the phone. He was so thoughtful. "I was really distracted yesterday. I'm nervous. Maybe I'm getting sick" Caitlin sighed. "I'm sure you're gonna do great" Barry reassured and Caitlin was almost certain he was smiling. "Thank you for checking up on me. I have to go. I love you" Caitlin said as she grabbed her backpack. "Good luck. I love you" Barry said and he hang up the phone. 

She had three hours for her exam. But most of the time she was thinking about how her mother wanted to move to New York. "You have one hour left" suddenly a man yelled through the room. It startled Caitlin and she started writing and answering every question she understood. She didn't get to finish it. The time was up when she was at question 30. She hated herself for being so distracted as she would have understood at least ten of the twenty questions she didn't get to answer. There was nothing she could do about now. It was just waiting for her results. It was her last exam. She handed in her paper and walked home. "Wait for me" she heard a familiar voice. When she turned around, she saw Barry running towards her. He was out of breath when he caught up with her and needed a moment to get his heartbeat under control. "What are you doing here?" Caitlin laughed, forgetting her worries for a second. "I knew you had till one to make the exam, so I waited for you" he smiled, kissing her cheek. "And?"

"I only answered 30 questions. It was really hard" Caitlin shrugged. "I'm sure you still passed it" Barry hugged her. She felt safe in his arms. "Barry" she suddenly whispered with a breaking voice. He let go of her to look her into her eyes. "My mom wants to move."

Barry tried to keep his personal feelings to himself and ask how Caitlin felt about it. "I don't want to leave you but there is no other choice. I'm moving after graduation" she was still whispering and a tear dropped down her cheek. "No matter how much distance is between us, I will always love you and we will find a way to each other. You don't have to worry" he reassured her with a smile but inside he was doubting as well. It was well-known that not many relationships survived long distance for a long period. "Let's go home" he eventually said and they walked hand in hand to Barry's house.

Okay, so (as you probably noticed reading this chapter) I'm writing a sequel. All your comments on my previous chapter make me really happy!

There's only one chapter left for this book! I hope you like the 'twist'. But I still have a question since I'm writing a sequel. 

Do you want Barry to have powers?
I personally don't want Caitlin to have Killer Frost because it's about Caitlin and Barry and I will get annoyed with Killer Frost's presence. But Barry could have powers, I guess. The Particle Accelerator could explode. What's your opinion on this?

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