(Ashton) Takes you Bungee Jumping

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It's been 2 months since Ashton asked you and you guys want to do something crazy. ''Babe , what should we do today , he asks while looking into your eyes''. ''Skydiving''.., you say with a evil grin. ''WHAAT ARE YOU CRAZY?! , DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE , HUH , WHAT SKYDIVING?'' , he yells but smiles. '' Its not THAT bad babe.. , plus we are safe. Let's watch some videos , trust it will be fine..'' 5 minutes later of watching videos , Ashton is still terrified and he is rocking back and forth. You can't help but laugh , he looks over to you and says ''SHUSH''. You giggle and look up ''Dare devil things to do''. About 684,000,887 results popped up and you see Bungee Jumping as one. You tap him and he looks over at the laptop and says hmm lets watch a video. After watching it he is sure enough about doing it , so you guys get ready. You come up to him and say ''you ready?'' , he nods and he kisses you slowly while holding your waist. You guys go to the car and go to the place. An hour later you guys finally arrive and get up there to pay your ticket. You see Luke and Michael and wave to them and they walk towards you. ''Hey y/n and Ash'' , Luke says. ''Hii , you respond. ''What are you guys doing here anyways?'' , you ask. ''Oh we followed you'' , Michael says laughing. You look at Ashton and raise both your eyebrows. ''He is just joking , we are super bored and Calum is spending the day with Gianna. '' , Luke adds. ''Oh ok'' , Ashton says. '' You ready y/n , let's go'' , Ashton holds out his hand. ''Wait did you guys get tickets?'' , you ask. ''Mhm , but Luke is scared'' , Michael says. '' I am not scared... im nervous , weait im not even nervous , I am ready for this.'' , Luke says. You and Ashton laugh and continue walking. You climb up the long ladder and when you reach to the top you notice how high you are and you look down. ''Holy shit'' , you said. Then Ashton reaches and Luke and Michael. ''So who goes first?'' , Michael asks. ''ROCK PAPER SCISSORS , BEST 2 out of 3.'' , I say. Luke smirks. You guys try it and You lose. ''HAHAHAAAHA , you gotta go first y/n'' , Michael says.  ''It's ok babe'' , Ashton says while kissing your cheek. The guy puts on your suit and you look down. You turn to the boys and Luke smiles , Michael gives you a thumbs up and Ashton blows you a kiss. ''I LIKE POTATOES'' ,  you shout and jump off. You feel so good and it's fun and you look down and see a beautiful waterfall and lake. Then you feel yourself rising up and finally back to the dashboard. ''How was it?'' , Michael asks. ''AMAZING'' , you say. ''Its your turn Luke'' , you say. Luke looks down and puts the suit on and waves to you and the boys. Then the finally it's Ashton goes. He says ''I love you y/n'' and jumps off and comes up. After you all went you go back your car and say bye to Luke and Michael. ''That was fun'' , you say. 

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