sweater weather

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hi guys! it's been so long since i've updated, i'm so sorry! the holidays were busy :)

anyway, here u go (ps i love reading comments so comment, comment, comment!)

reader and spencer have to pull off the road for the night to take shelter from a snow storm. it's very cold, but they manage to stay warm (only one bed trope ftw)

cw: oral sex (male receiving), fingering, penetrative sex


The night was freezing cold as Spencer and I stepped out of the warm lecture hall into the dark. Being the two youngest on the team, we were always first chosen to give college lectures, logic being that we would connect better with the young people since we ourselves were fairly young.

Doctor Dalton walked with us out to the silver rental car, her arms crossed tightly across her torso against the biting chill in the air as we loaded our bags in the car.

"Hey, thank you guys so much for coming out. You were a huge hit."

She held her hand out, and I smiled as I shook it.

"It was our pleasure, Doctor. You have a bright group of students in there."

"Thank you. And you kids drive safe, there's supposed to be a nasty snow storm in the Sierra Nevada tonight."

She turned her extended hand to Reid, who gave her a small wave instead, trying to avoid the handshake. I smiled apologetically at her.

"We will. And thank you again for having us, Doctor Dalton."

"Of course, and tell David hi for me."

"Will do."

She waited outside until we were in the car and it was started up, heat pouring out of the vents, before giving us one last wave and hurrying back inside.

As I pulled out, I grinned over at Spencer.

"You're quite the social butterfly this evening," I teased. He rolled his eyes. I could see him trying not to smile, but I knew he couldn't resist my charms, and sure enough, he cracked a small, soft smile.

"Yeah, well, maybe if the last food I'd eaten hadn't been that soggy ham sandwich on the airplane, I'd be a little more pleasant."

I cursed myself for thinking it, but the little smile combined with his messy hat-hair and rosy, wind-bitten cheeks was pretty adorable.

In the year since I'd joined the BAU as the communications liaison, I'd naturally gravitated toward Spencer, being the youngest on the team after only him. Even though he had almost seven years on me, he understood the experience of being the youngest among a group of experienced and somewhat intimidating profilers, and we'd found ourselves spending lots of time together, from late nights in faraway hotel rooms to long hours on the jet.

Naturally, I'd developed a little crush on him over time. How could I not, really? He was smart, and tall, and undeniably handsome, and even a little bit funny when he tried to be. And he always smelled good, somehow. It also didn't hurt that he'd gotten a haircut recently. Hotch said it made him look like a boyband member, but I thought it pushed his handsomeness to a new level.

I smiled back at him. "If you're so starving, we can try to find somewhere to stop for a little midnight snack."

It was hardly past ten at the moment, but I figured the drive through the Sierra Nevada that we were about to begin wouldn't provide us with many dining options.

"That would be fantastic, y/n."

"I'll see what I can do, Pretty Boy."

"You know I hate it when you call me that," he complained, flipping the stereo on and leaving it set to the default station.

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