dream a little dream of me

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hey babes! first chapter! enjoy :)

reader has an interesting dream about spencer, and he finds out while she's telling garcia

cw: *in a dream* oral sex (female receiving), penetrative sex

2294 words


"Spencer, oh my god!" I gasped desperately, falling back against my pillow as he slowly dragged his tongue up my slit and against my clit, stopping and wrapping his lips around it, sucking mercilessly. My fingers dug into his soft brown hair, my thighs tightening slightly around his head.

At this, he moaned softly against me, and the vibrations that it sent through my body made me see stars. The knots in my stomach were so close to coming undone, and in a subconscious attempt to finish myself off, I wrapped my legs tighter around his head, my ankles crossing on his upper back as I pulled his mouth harder against me, arching my back to better his angle.

He was being entirely ruthless with his mouth now, licking and sucking almost angrily. Finally, the knots started coming undone. With one last helpless moan, and a final forceful dig into his hair, I released against his tongue and lips, going limp on my bed as it ended.

Looking up at me with his puppy dog eyes, he slowly smiled, moving up onto the bed and over me.

"Think you could handle round two?" he murmured, licking a stripe up the space between my breasts before latching his lips onto my right nipple, sucking softly.

"Bring it on, Doctor," I breathed, bringing my knees up to rest against his hips. He brought his head up finally from my breast, looking down at me, with a lazy, bemused look in his eyes, before a slow grin spread across his lips and he sat back on his knees between my legs.

"Don't say I didn't warn you, y/n," he crooned, grabbing my ankles, and pulling me down the bed, closer to him, before placing my ankles on his shoulders and lining himself up against my entrance.

I felt him teasing it with his tip, forcing a small whimper from my lips, which made him grin again.

Then, without warning, he slammed entirely into my soaked heat, a choked cry escaping me. My toes curled behind his head, and he pulled out, immediately slamming back in, this time bottoming out inside me.

His pace was relentless, and he was constantly adjusting me against him to assure that he would have the best angle possible to force every last desperate, dehumanizing sound possible out of my mouth. My fingers snaked down to rub against my own clit as he repeatedly bottomed out inside me.

His eyelids were half shut in ecstasy, and when he looked down to see me touching myself as he thrusted into me, a low groan escaped him. His eyes stayed focused on my hand between my legs as he continued to fuck me for all he was worth.

The familiar knots in my stomach were back, and I arched my back again, the two fingers I was rubbing myself with speeding up.

"Fuck, y/n," he groaned again. I could tell by the way his dick twitched against my clenching walls that he was almost there, and thankfully, so was I.

Increasing the pressure I was putting on my own clit, I moaned, a loud, long, desperate sound, as I finished. He thrusted into me one last time, and with one more euphoric groan-

My eyes flew open to the sound of my alarm going off.

"Oh my god," I groaned sheepishly to the ceiling, rubbing hand over my face, wiping away a thin layer of sweat from my hairline. "That did not just happen."

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