heat waves

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glass animals hell yeah :)

during a case in Los Angeles, a heat wave hits the city and reader's air conditioning in her hotel room stops working, forcing her to spend the night in spencer's room after an awkward encounter a couple weeks before

cw: thigh riding, fingering, penatrative sex, mention of masturbation (female)

3500 words


I flopped back against my pillow, my arm slung limply across my forehead. My blankets had been thrown off of me a couple hours earlier, at least.

Looking back to a few hours earlier, I should've taken up JJ on her offer to sleep in her room. Of course, the one time in months we work a case in Los Angeles in the dead of summer in the middle of a heat wave, my air conditioning decides to stop working entirely.

Because of my own stubborn nature however, and because I hated to feel as though I was imposing, I had insisted that I'd be able to make it through the night. How wrong I'd been.

Looking at my phone, I read the time. 2:37am. Groaning, I resigned to my fate. I wouldn't be able to sleep in this room, and unlike most of my fellow team members, I had thus far proven unable to sleep on the jet, which was where I'd be spending much of my time tomorrow.

This left me with one discernable option, and I didn't like it one bit. With a defeated sigh, I slid out of bed, leaving my phone on the nightstand, and slinking down the hallway of the hotel to the door of the one other person I knew would still be awake.

He answered the door as soon as I knocked. He looked infuriatingly adorable, wearing white pajama pants with little green dinosaurs on them that for some reason suited him well. His grey t-shirt flattered his subtle yet toned muscles.

"Hi, Spence," I said, defeat evident in my voice.

"Hey, y/n. Still having trouble with your air conditioning?"

I sighed. "Yeah. I'm so sorry, I just figured you wouldn't mind if I...hung out for a bit?"

He rubbed a hand nervously over the back of his head and neck. "No, yeah, of course not...uh, come in."

He stepped to the side and I came inside, sitting down at the foot of his bed as he closed the door behind him. I leaned back on my hands, basking in the sweet, sweet feeling of cool air wash over me. I sighed contentedly as he sat down next to me.

"Thanks again, I'm...really sorry about this," I faltered for a moment, thinking suddenly about the thin silky fabric of my short night gown and how it clung to my body in certain ways. It didn't help that he was so close, and he smelled clean and soft, like shampoo and fresh sheets.

I stood up, trying not to think about him. He and I had been good friends for a couple years now, spending lots of time together even outside of work, being the two youngest members of a team with an unpredictable work schedule which allowed very little time for personal relationships with people outside of our own ranks.

This being the case, we'd naturally become close. Of course, we were attracted to each other. He was quite easy on the eyes, after all, and I'd caught him staring at me more than once, but we'd never really acknowledged this mutual attraction, and it hadn't gotten in the way of our friendship and work relationship.

A couple months ago, however, we'd been staying in adjoining rooms on a case in Houston when he'd accidentally walked in on me engaged in some adult activities with myself.

Ever since then, there had been a weird tension in the air between us. It was almost as if the compromising situation had forced us both to try and reckon with the attraction that we knew had always been there and was now at the front of our minds.

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