captain hook

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hey y'all, so I know I said this one was gonna be sad, but i lied on accident. i was writing the sad one and i couldn't really get through it so here's some smut instead :)

y/n wears just the right costume to the Halloween party to get Spencer's attention

7726 words


Halloween. All Hallows Eve. The Devil's Night. Whatever you wanted to call it, it was cause to celebrate, which was exactly what I was preparing to do. Rossi had invited us all over to his house for a Halloween get together, costumes not only encouraged, but required. Not only was I excited to spend my favorite night with my chosen family, but I was also looking forward to testing a certain theory I'd been ruminating on for a couple weeks now.

It had all started when Penelope had come over to my desk one evening, after everyone else had already left, to have a little chat.

"Hey Pen, what's up?"

She skipped over any formalities and got straight to her point. "I think Spencer likes you."

I raised my eyebrows skeptically. Not only did Spencer seem largely disinterested in girls as a whole, but this girl especially. Not only did I think he didn't notice me all that much, but I wasn't entirely sure he really even liked me in the first place.

"That's bullshit. There's no way. I don't even think he likes me in general, let alone like that," I responded, referring to the implication on her face. She rolled her eyes.

"Neither do I."

"Garcia, I'm so confused."

"Ok, so let me explain. I think that yes, you annoy him. You're the youngest member of the team now, and sometimes you even know things he doesn't. However, this annoyance he feels doesn't necessarily mean he's not attracted to you, and knowing that he's attracted to you annoys him even more. That's why he's been in a bad mood lately."

I didn't think she was right. In fact, it seemed like she was really grasping at straws here, but I had to admit that the idea of Spencer liking me didn't sound like the worst thing in the world. He was tall, and cute, and smart, and funny (at his own expense, of course), and if I was being honest, maybe I liked him a little bit. That did not mean, however, that he liked me.

"Ok, so I definitely don't buy it, but if I wanted to, maybe, do a little investigation of my own into the matter, how do you think I might go about that?"

She grinned. "Well, maybe just open your eyes, to start. Whenever he's near you, he gets really flustered and tries to look at you as little as possible, but when he does look at you, he can't look away until you look at him."

I blew a low breath out between my lips. "Wow. You don't miss anything."

"No I don't. But, that's not where it ends. You remember Rossi's having that Halloween shindig in a couple weeks? Halloween night will be your magnum opus."

I couldn't help but laugh at her dramatic flair. "My magnum opus? What's your plan?"

"To know for sure whether I'm right or not. All you have to do is pick a sexy costume, which should be easy for your gorgeous little self. I already know what costume you're gonna wear. He loves pirates, so you're gonna go as a play on Captain Hook."

I sighed. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm in."

So here I was. I finished messing with my short black ruffled skirt, smoothing over the silky material before looking myself over in the mirror proudly. I wore black satin mary jane heels, each with a golden buckle on the strap. Thigh high fishnets connected to garters, each with a little bow where the strap and stocking met, which hooked onto a silk belt under my skirt, right above my lacy black panties. A black corset hugged my waist and breasts, pressing them together, the straps over my shoulders elevating them slightly.

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