save your tears

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i'm back! so i know i told u this on was gonna be sad, and it kind of is, but not really. on god i'm gonna make y'all cry soon though i have some sad ones lined up ;)

y/n receives a wedding invitation from an ex she thought she had gotten over, and spends the night with spencer to feel better

cw: handjob (briefly mentioned), penetrative sex/riding, drinking

4527 words


It was late when we made it back to the bullpen, almost one in the morning. The case had ended well, everyone was safe, and we were in high spirits.

"I'm gonna go home and have drink if anyone's interested in joining," Rossi offered up to the room.

"I have paperwork to finish up, but good work everyone. Get some good rest tonight, you could all use it," Hotch said before disappearing into his office.

"Not tonight, Will said the boys were waiting up for me, so I should get home as soon as possible. Goodnight, everybody," JJ bid us, before heading for the doors. Emily shrugged.

"Sergio can wait a little longer, I'm in."

Morgan and Garcia exchanged glances.

"How about it, Baby Girl?"

She smiled at Morgan, then Rossi. "What the heck, why not?"

This left Spencer and I as the only two undecideds. I quickly ducked out.

"As nice as that sounds, I'm totally exhausted, so I think I'm gonna head home. Thanks for the offer, though, and have a good evening. See you all tomorrow."

Spencer tilted his thumb in my direction. "My thoughts exactly. Rain check for tonight," he concurred, adjusting his messenger bag on his shoulder.

"Alright, suit yourselves. Come with me, my children," he joked, the four of them heading for the elevators, Spencer and I forgotten in the bullpen.

He walked over and stood next to my desk, waiting to walk me to my car as he did most nights. We both knew how it looked to the others, our constant spending of time together, but truth be told, there was nothing there other than mutual understanding and friendship.

Sure, he was tall, and cute, and sweet, and a million other perfect things, but having a little schoolgirl crush on him which he certainly didn't return was very different than having a romantic or physical relationship with a coworker, so it stayed in my own head, and I was fine with that.

"You know, your paperwork is still gonna be there in the morning, y/n," he said with a soft smile. I sighed and leaned back in my chair, looking up at him.

"I know, you're right. Fresh eyes are always better anyway."

I stood up, slipping my coat over my arms, buttoning a couple buttons, and grabbing my purse from under my desk. I slung it over my shoulder as we walked through the glass doors and to the elevator.

"So, what are your plans for the night," he asked jokingly. I pretended to think very hard.

"Hmmm. Well, I'm thinking of going straight home and collapsing in bed without even taking my work clothes off. I feel like I could fall asleep right here," I lamented as we stepped into the elevator and the doors closed behind us.

"Sounds about like what I'm gonna do," he said with a smile as the elevator stopped and we stepped out into the night. We walked quietly for a minute.

"Spencer?" I asked finally.


I quickly swiped my tongue over my lips. "Why do you walk me to my car every night?"

He let out a soft chuckle. "Y/n, do you really think that with the people we deal with every day that I'd let you walk to your car alone in the dark? I don't need my friend becoming another statistic that I recite when someone asks me about missing women. I couldn't bear that."

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