Chapter Sixteen - He Is Back

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Y/N's Pov

It's been a month since Sesshomaru had left. And already I miss him. I rubbed my head in anger. God dammit, when is he going to come. I thought while rubbing my head in frustration. I looked up as I heard footsteps. Kurome camping running up to me.

"Mummy, Kaede-sama asked me to tell you get some herbs with Kagome-sama," she told with a smile. I ruffled her hair. "Alright thanks for telling me," I said." She grinned and then ran back to where she was.

I got up and walked Kagome's home. I was about to walk in when Kagome came out. "Oh, hey Y/N. I was going to get you," she said as she handed me a basket. I smiled. "Oh really. Just a minute Kurome came up to me and told me," I said laughing."

Kagome laughed and we walked to the field. "We'll have you heard from Sesshomaru yet?" She asked." I shook my head. "I swear that man is seriously so complicated," I mutter while rubbing my head. Kagome laughed.

"So was Inuyasha when I met him," she said." I looked at her shocked. "Really, I swear even Inuyasha would be better to like," I said." Kagome snorted. I grinned.


After we finally finished Pickering up the last bunch of herbs we got up. I stretched my arms and legs. "Omg, my legs feel like they are going to fall off," I said." "So does mine. Sitting for ages is really annoying," Kagome agreed."

We picked up the basket and turned. "Ahhhhhh," I screamed as I fell back. Kagome burst out laughing. I glared at Kagome then looked up. I was shocked. "Sesshomaru, you are smiling," I mumbled." Sesshomaru went back to his stoic look.

I got up and dusted myself off. "Sesshomaru, you scared me," I said." Kagome picked up my basket and looked at me. "Y/N, I will go on ahead. Take your time," she said." Then she whispered something in ear and I felt blood draining from my face.

Kagome walked off as she called over her shoulder. "Have some fun but not too much," she said with a wink. I blushed and glared at her back.

I looked back to Sesshomaru. "Don't you always go to the village to wait?" I asked." "Yeah, but I need to talk to you now," he said."

I gulped. What did he need to talk about? Wait could he return my feelings. I thought. At the thought I blushed. I shook my head. No way. He wouldn't, at least I don't think so. I thought. "Are you alright Y/N? Your face is red," he asked." I shook my head.

I gave him smile. "No, it fine, don't worry," I said." "Alright follow me," he said walking away. I quickly called out him and picked up my speed. I couldn't help but smile. He is back. I thought with a smile.

A/N: Hope you guys liked the chapter. Do vote or comment.

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