Chapter Seven - Sesshomaru Pt 2

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A/N: Hey guys. I forgot to put the picture of C/N. So here it is.

Art belongs to me.


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Y/N's Pov

"Y/N," someone said." This voice. I thought. I turned around. My eyes widened. There stood the person I have wanting to see. "Se-Sesshomaru," I whispered." Kurome looked at the man. "You know him, mum," said Kurome. I nodded.

I took a step forward and then run towards him. "Sesshomaru," I screamed and threw my arms around. Tears ran down my cheeks. "Let go of me," Sesshomaru growled." I rolled my eyes.

I pouted. "Mean as ever," I said." I let go of him. I wiped my cheeks. "I am glad you haven't died," I snickered." He glared at me. I chuckled. "How dare you talked to Lord Sesshomaru so casually. Don't you know he is?" A small demon asked. Sesshomaru glared and didn't say anything.

The small demon shrunk back with fear. I shifted my eyes to a girl, she walked up to Kuromw. "Hi, I am Rin. What's your name?" The called Rin said."

Kurome jumped and hid behind me. I sightly chuckled. "Kurome, don't worry. Rin is a girl just like you," I said."

Kurome's eyes lit up and shuffled towards Rin. Before I knew they started like old friends. I sweat dropped. I turned back to Sesshomaru.

He was watching Rin and Kurome interact with each other. Feeling my eyes on him, he turned to me.

"I didn't know you liked humans," I said." "I do not," he snapped back.". I laughed. I turned to the frog. "And who might you be?" I asked the demon." "I am a loyal follower of Lord Sesshomaru, Jakan," the squeaky demon said." "Oh I see. Well I am Y/N. Nice to meet you Jakan,"I said."


I sat next Sesshomaru while watching Kurome and Rin play with C/N. "Say Sesshomaru. How come a human is following you around?" I asked him." He didn't say anything just looked ahead. "At least answer me," I said."

Again silence. "This is why everyone doesn't like you," I said." He glared at me.

I chuckled

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I chuckled. I reached out and ruffled his hair. "Alright, alright calm down boy. I am just teasing you," I said." He growled. "Get your hands of me woman," he demanded." I snickered and kept on petting him.

He growled. His eyes turning red. "Eek," I shrieked." Kurome and Rin stopped what they were doing and looked up.

I jumped up and ran off. Sesshomaru got up. Then he sat back down again. I stopped running when I saw him sitting back down.

I sighed and walked off to Kurome and Rin. They looked up. "Look mum, Rin taught how to make flower crowns," Kurome said while holding up one.

I ruffled her hair. "Well done both of you," I said." "Rin, why don't you put one on Sesshomaru's hair,"I told her." Her eyes brightened up. She ran off. I grinned. Kurome and I watched Rin walk up to Sesshomaru. His eyes opened and met mine.

I stuck out me tongue. He glared. His eyes sifted to Rin and I swear his eyes turned soft. Rin walked to his side while Sesshomaru watched her. Rin put the flower crown on his head. He eyes widened slightly.

I covered my mouth with my hand, covering up my laughter. Kurome laughed and got up. She had a flower crown in her hands. I watched her run up to Sesshomaru and Rin.

"Lord Sesshomaru, please let me put one too," Kurome said while giving puppy dog eyes.

I snickered and walked up to them. "Come on Sesshy, it will be fine," I said." He glared. "Don't call me that," he snapped." I grinned. I turned to Kurome. "Go on," I told her." Kurome put the crown on Sesshomaru's head. "And don't take it off until I said so," I said."

He glared before closing his eyes. "Lord Sesshomaru, I have bought A-Un as you asked," a voice called out. I looked and saw Jakan following from the sky. Thump. He fell on the ground onto his back. Rin ran up to him. "Master Jakan, are you alright?" She asked."

Jakan jumped back up. "I don't need your petty concern Rin," he snapped." I got up and walked up to him. "Huh, what did you just say," I said glaring down at the imp.

He eyes widen with fright. I grabbed and threw him away. Kurome and Rin looked at me with shock. I laughed slightly. Noticing the shadows I looked the two girls. "Come on. It's time to hunt some food for dinner," I said." "Ok," they said together.

"Sesshomaru, do you hear any rivers," I called out to him." He didn't respond. "Dammit, I shouldn't even bothered ask that dog," I muttered." I took Kurome's and Rin's hands. "Come on you two. Looks like we have to find one ourselves,"I said."

They nodded and followed me. I picked up my bow and put my arrow quiver on my back. "Sesshomaru, we will be back. Don't move from here," I told him."

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