Chapter One - Revived Kikyo

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A/N: When you see writing like this. It means thoughts.

Y/N's Pov

It's been 5 years now and now I am 18 years old. I decided to go out explore the world and travel a bit. I talked to my aunt about two days ago and she said she will let me go. Today I will leave.

After taking a quick shower at the river I left. Before leaving I said goodbye to the village I lived in. Then I left.

After walking for hours I stopped by a tree to rest. I put my bow down next to me. Then I took of my quiver that holds my arrows. I leaned my hard back and closed my eyes. But didn't go to sleep.

As soon as I heard footsteps, I jumped up and aimed my arrow to where the noise came from. I gripped my bow tightly. A woman appeared from a bush. I put my bow down and put my arrow back into its holder.

The woman stopped in front of me. "I can sense strong spiritual powers from you," she said." I gulped. Then I recognised the woman. The woman was Kikyo the Miko I have heard about.

But what is she doing here. I thought she passed away. I thought. I opened my mouth to answer when a animal looking like a snake came. In it's small little claws was something.

The animal dropped the blue thing and the blue thing went inside her. I gasped.

It was a soul collecter. My aunt had told about them but I have never seen one up close. It was my first time seeing one. "I see you might be thinking. I am bought back from the dead," she said." "I have to move around by taking the dead souls of people."

I looked at her in shock. "Was it against your will?" I asked her quitely." Kikyo nodded. I realised I haven't even introduced myself. I quickly cleared my throat.

"My name is Y/N. I am born with spiritual powers from my mother," I said." "I see. You must be Yuki's daughter," Kikyo said."

I looked at her. "What do you mean? My mother's name is Sakura" I asked her confused." Kikyo put down her bow and quiver. She sat down and leaned against the tree. "Sit down," Kikyo said."  I sat down next to her. "Do you know who is your mother?" She asked."

I gave her a look. "What are you talking about? I already know about my mother," I said." "You aren't what you think you are Y/N," Kikyo said." She got up and started walking away. Her soul collecters following her.
I jumped up. "Wait Kikyo. What do you mean? Hey wait," I called out to her. Kikyo stopped. "Go west, look for a run down castle and you will find your answer," she told me."

Then she was gone. I sat down. What was she talking about. But why does she want me to go west? I thought. I shook my head and got up. Ok. I will go west. Does Kikyo know something that I don't know?.

I got up and started walked west. "I guess I will go west," I muttered."
A/N: Hey guys. I hoped you liked the chapter.

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