Epilogue - 10 Years Later

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S/N: Son's Name - Eldest
D/N: Daughter's Name - Youngest

A/N: Also I will be starting a new story. It's a Eren Yeager X reader story so if you are interested you can check it out. I haven't started but I will soon.

I have actually decided to have a bit of a break of writing anime stories. So I will continue writing the story I have started soon but I won't publish it yet.

I will be doing a another story but it's going to be a Kpop story. So I am really sorry about this.

Y/N's Pov

S/N, D/N, stop running around. It's time for lunch," I yelled." They stopped what they were doing and ran up to me. "Hurry up mom, I am hungry," D/N whined." I rolled my eyes and ruffled her hair.

S/N and D/N sat down and I handed them their food. They immediately started eating. I got up and walked to the door. "I am off to find Kurome and Rin so behave yourself," I told them." They nodded and went back to eating.

I walked to the hut where Rin and Kagome wearing learning how heal wounds and such. They wanted to learn how to heal people from Kagome. Kagome of course started teaching when they were old enough.

I knocked on the wooden door. "Come in," I heard Kagome call out." I opened the door and stepped in. "Oh mum, don't worry we were just finished up," Rin said." I smiled. "You both are working hard," I said."

They nodded their heads. "Thanks Kagome for teaching them. I wish I could help but with two little naughty children, I couldn't really," I added to Kagome." Kagome laughed. "Don't worry about it. I am glad I can help," she said with a smile. I smiled back.

Waving to Kagome, we left the hut. Rin and Kurome ran off to the hut we were leaving in. I walked in and saw Sesshomaru had come back and was listening to S/N talking. He looked up and smiled when he saw me.

I walked over to him. "You are here early," I said." "Yeah, I finished early," Sesshomaru said." "That's good to hear, do you wanted to eat something?" I asked him." He shook his head. "Aww, come on dad. Eat something," whined D/N." Sesshomaru chuckled and said he doesn't eat human food.


It was finally night time and I had put the children to bed. I walked out and saw Sesshomaru looking up. I stood next to him. "Are you alright Sesshomaru?" I asked him." "Follow me," he said ignoring my question. I rolled my eyes.

Some things don't change huh. I thought. I followed him and we arrived at the place where we both confessed. I laughed. Sesshomaru gave me a look. "Why are you laughing?" He asked."

I grinned. "I can't believe you still remembered this place," I said." "Of course I do, how could I not," he said."

And the two of spent the rest of the night in that place.

A/N: Hope you guys liked the chapter. Vote or comment.

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