Chapter Two - Going West

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A/N: Italics will also be in flashback.

Y/N's Pov

I have been walking for a day already. I looked up at the sky. It was blue with hardly any clouds. I started walking again. Suddenly I smelt fire and smoke. I started running towards the smell.

As I ran I saw a village come into view. The whole village was on fire. I put an arrow on my bow. "Hello. Is anyone alive?," I called out." I got no answer. Then I heard crying. I ran towards the sound. There I saw a little girl no more than 8 years old. She was crying.

I kneeled down towards her height. "Hey sweetie. What's wrong?" I asked her." She stopped crying and put down her hands. She looked up at me with tearful eyes. Then she started crying again. I looked at her in sadness. Before I know it my eyes went wide.


"Mummy, daddy," the girl called out." The little girl ran around crying. "Please anyone answer." She kneeled down and cried. The girl looked up as she heard footsteps.

A woman stood Infront of her. "You must be the only one who survived," the woman said." "Come dear, I will look after you," she said."

"Really," the little looked at her with hopeful eyes." "Yes sweetie. I knew your parents so you can count on me," the woman said." The girl stopped crying.

Suddenly the girl's legs buckled and then she started calling forwards. The woman caught the girl in her arms. The woman picked the girl up and left the village.

The woman looked up at the sky. "Don't worry Sakura, Natsu. I will take care of her and raise her for you,"the woman said."

End of flashback

In a shock I can back to reality. I pulled the girl into my arms. "Hey, it's alright. I will take you in. So don't cry," I told her as I patted her back." She stopped crying and looked at me. "Really?" She asked."

I nodded and picked her up and then left the village. As I walked I heard soft breathing. I looked at the girl. She had fallen asleep.

After walking a bit I stopped to get some rest. I put the girl down. I sat down and put the girls head on my lap.


In the morning I woke the girl up. "I didn't get your name. What's your name? My name is Y/N," I said to her." She gave me a smile.

"My name is Kurome," the girl said." "Alright Kurome. When we arrive at a village I will buy you a new kimono. Yours is dirty," I said."

Kurome grinned and grabbed my hand and started walking. "Alright mum," Kurome said." I stopped walking in shock. Kurome stopped too.

"Huh, what wrong mum?" She asked." I blinked and came back to reality. "What did you just call me," I said."

"Oops. I am sorry I called you mum," Kurome said looking down in shame." I kneeled down towards. I ruffled her hair. "It's alright. You can call me what you want," I told her with a smile. Her eyes brightening up. "So I can call you mum," she said giving me hopeful eyes.

I laughed and ruffled her hair again. "Of course." I took her small hand in mine and walked to the next village.

When we were close to the village I heard the sound of running water. "Let's go this way Kurome. I think I heard a river. We can take a bath," I told her while leading her towards the sound of water.

When we arrived I told Kurome to strip of her kimono. She did and went into the water. I put on my white kimono that I use for taking a bath.

I got into the river and started rubbing her hair and washing away the dirt. After taking a bath I helped her put on her old kimono. Then I put on my Miko clothing and took her hand.

When we arrived at the village I was greeted by two people. And they asked for my help.
A/N: Hey guys. Hope you like the chapter.

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