I woke up to the sound of my phone dinging. I got up and looked at it and seen I had a text from an unknown number. It was the address to my dad's house, so I assumed this was his number. I saved his number and looked up at the time. 5:30. I got up and yawned and looked around the room to find East sleeping peacefully next to me. I shook him lightly.
"Babe, wake up, we have to get ready for the dinner." I said standing up.
As I stood up the cover fell from my body and I didn't have pants nor panties on. Memories from earlier today struck my mind. I began smiling.
I went to the bathroom and began to cut the shower on. I then went back into my room, to my closet. I decided to wear something comfortable yet classy.
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I placed it on the bed and went back to the bathroom to check on the water. It was hot. I took of my shirt and got in. It felt so good against my skin. I began lathering up with my dove soap. After 45 minutes I got out. I wrapped my towel around my body and began to brush my teeth. As I was brushing my teeth East walked in.
"Baby, you seen my rolex?"
I looked up him and I couldn't help but to stare, he looked so good.
"Look in the living room it might be in there." I said as i went back to brusshing my teeth.
I spit in the sank and then wiped my face. I walked into the room and dropped my. I put on my underwear & panties, then put on my Champagne Sparkle lotion. Then I walked into my bathroom and began to do my make up. I decided to only put on eyelashed and a little bit of lipgloss. I looked down at my phone to see the time. 6:25. Right on time. The dinner doesn't start until 7:30.
I got out my bathroom and walked back into my room to put my clothes on.
East walked in as I was putting on my shoes.
"It 6:45 areyou ready to go."
I stood up andpat myself down.
"I believe so."
"By the way, you look beautiful."
I blushed at his compliment.
"You don't look too bad yourself." I said smirking.
"Well you know, a nigga try." he said gassing himself up.
I laughed at his foolishness and walked down the stairs. I grabbed my phone to take a picture. East decided to join in and we took some pictures together. I posted the picture of me on Instagram and decided to post the pictures of East and I on valenines day. I locked my phone and went out the door.
East opened my door and I got in. As he got in. We turned on the radio and a news station was on.
"Here live in front of Lake Woods Prison, 43 year on Bryan Thomas was found dead."
I looked over at East and he had a confused look on his face. How did he die? I shook the thoughts out of my head and decided to enjoy the rest of my day. I put the address in the GPS when East stopped me.
"I know where it is." He said as he pulled up to a red light.
I nodded my head and looked at him suspiciously. How did he know where my dad stay? I looked at him but he didn't look back at me.
15 minutes past and we was infront a beautiful mansion. We pulled up to the gate with the securty gaurd. East rolled down his window and the guard looked at him. The guard nodded his head and opened the gate.
"How did he know who you are?" I said.
"Don't worry bout that right now baby." He said as he took my hand and kissed it.
He parked the ca and we got out. When I stepped out a beautiful lady came walking up to me.
"Oh Hello honey, I am so excited to finally meet you. I've heard good things about you. My name is Laura, I'm you dads wife." She said.
I smiled at her.
"My names Aubrey, nice to meet." She took me by my arms and gave me a up.
As she grabbed me flashback began to flash in my eyes.
"Stop! Let me go!" I remeber saying to Bryan.
I stepped back a little and started breathing hard.
"Honey are you ok?" She said with a concerned look.
I nodded my head yes and got my balance.
"I'm sorry." I said with a embarrassed look.
East came up to us and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Baby, you sure you ok?" He ask.
I nodded my head and gave a assuring smile. He looked at me, then nodded his head. I can tell he doesn't believe that.
"Hey Ms. Thompson, glad to see you again." East said he hugged her.
Glad to see you again? How do he know her? Looking between the two.
"Oh come on in, dinners almost ready. Your father is in the man cave and the rest are sitting in the living."
She guided us to the front door and my jaw dropped at how gorgeous the house is. I looked into the living room when I seen familiar face. She looked up at me. Trinity. She got up and came to me quickly to hug. I hugged back. Wait what does this mean? I looked behind her to see Fabio, and a unknown boy that looked like he's in college.
I only know Fabio because he's Trinity's brother and we have ELA together.
"Wait, so my dad is your dad?"
"So that makes us." I paused as i pointed between me and her.
"Sisters." She said excitedly.
A smile grew on my face. I knew from the feeling I seen Trinity that her and I were going to be very close. And now I know why i felt that way. Because we're SISTERS!