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I sat down on the couch and began to rub my stomach. I was now 4 months pregnant and this pregnancy been kicking my ass. De'Andre been a good help though.

"Baby you okay?" He asked sitting down next to me and lifting my legs into his lap.

"I'm fine."

I soon began to think about Aubrey. Too much shit is happening to her. I should text her.

:You okay bestie.

BreBre: Yea i'm good.

: You at Nate house?

BreBre: Yea.

: When you coming back home.

BreBre: Honestly I don't know, but what I do know is that I need to tell everyone something. Plus everybody been keeping secrets from me and shit.

I looked at the message and gulped a little. Do she know about our family secret.

BreBre: Also I bought a little something for the baby.

: Secrets? and thank you love, is you still planning the gender reveal/baby shower.

BreBre: Yes secret, and yea.

We continued to text a little bit until she had to go.

De'Andre and I continued to watch the Tv when Isis and Fabio walked in. Fabio being the idiot he is stood straight in front of the tv.

"Can yo fat ass move?"

"Nah, anyway, I went to yo classes and got yo work."

I grabbed the papers from his hand and he moved out the way.

"Man I'm bored as fuck." Isis said as he plopped down next to us.

"What ya'll wanna go do?"

"Wanna go to the beach?"

"Yea, that'll be cool. i'm finna ask Aubrey if she wanna go."

I grabbed my phne and sent Aubrey a wuick text and she replied back minutes later.

"She said she up for it."

"Ight bet."

Everybody got up and began to get ready. I went up to my room and picked a bathing suit.

Even though I was 4 months pregnant, I was not showing as much. I decided to put on a gray bathing suit.

 I decided to put on a gray bathing suit

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2024 ⏰

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