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I figured after i dropped off Audrey i would stop by Walmart to go get some groceries. As i walked in I got a call from Audrey. I picked it up and heard her scream.

"Bre are you ok!" I yelled into the phone.

I waited for a reply but never got one. Then the phone fell. I rushed out of Walmart and went to Audreys house. I pulled up and quickly got out my car,making sure i got my gun. I bust into the house and heard Aubrey screams coming from a room. I walked in and seen someone on top of her. I quickly pulled the nigga off of her hit him with the butt of my gun. I then went to the ed to check on Aubrey. She was unconsious. I looked around to find something to wrap her bare body up. I found a dress then and wrapped it around her. Picking her up gently i went down the halls. I made it outside and put Aubrey in my car. I then got in and began driving to the hospital.

I pulled up and got out the car. I got her and went inside the hospital.

"Help, she's hurt." I yelled.

A nurse rushed to us with a wheel chair and i place Bre down. The nurse pushed her down the hall when the other nurses stopped me from going in there.

"Sorry sir you cant go to the exam room." The nurse said.

I rubbed my hand down my face in frustrationg and sat down in the waiting room. 10 minutes pasts when i felt someone standing in front of me. It was my momma.

"Whatcu doing here boy?"

She took off her name tag and sat down beside me.

"My friend in here." I stated looking at her.

"How is she?"

I was about to answer when i realized i never told my mom if it was a boy or a girl.

"How you know it's a she."

"Well, I know my son don't I. Besided the fact i seen her when you was walking in with her."

I nodded my head not really wanting to talk right now.

"Bring her by the house when everything dies down." she said as she got up, touching my shoulder on the way.

I sat back in my seat observing my area, then i drifted off to sleep.

"Sir Sir, wake up."

I woke up to the sounde of someone voice close to me.

"I wil need to know who you are to Ms. Smith." The nurse stated.

"I'm a close friend."

"Well Ms. Smith is resting right now. Everything seems to be okay, her vital are great. She has a bruised face thought, but we prescribed her pain killers for that. She may need some therapy for the sexual abuse she went through. Other than that, you are able to go back and see her. Her room number is E201."

I nodded then rushed up to see her. I went to her room and seen her laying there. She had a low of scrs but she was still beautiful. Sitting down next to the bed, i grabbed her hand. Her eyes popped open as she sat up fast, soon enough regretting the decision.

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