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*Best with the music video above*

Darkness is all I can describe that took over my body. I looked around at my surrounding and was confronted with nothing but darkness. It felt as if I was floating. I liked this feeling.

"Whatchu doing here Bre." I heard a faint voice say.

I turned around but there was nobody around. I stood in that position for a little while searching then turning back around being confronted by the face I seek to see. Andre.

I began to tear up as I seen his skin shimmer and his face lighting up. He still wearing the clothes since that day.

"Andre?" I stayed still shocked from the situation.

"Yea sis."

I ran up to him and hugged him as tight as I can.

"I been watching you sis, I be seeing the stuff that been going on with momma and East. I know that stuff is hard but you got to stay strong through it all. It's to early for you to be up here." he said softly.

"But I-I'm tired of life. Tired of the stuff I go through with life. I want to be up here with you."

"I know sis, but please go back for me. I want to see you in the future. It's to early now."

I looked up at his face, seeing his eyes sparkled from the glow that appeared. I nodded my head and he smiled.

He hugged me and then he disappeard from my arms. Everything went black again then I heard beeping. I felt my eyes began to open.

Light shined into my face making me put my hand up to cover my face. A sharp pain came from my arm. I hissed in pain and heard something move beside. I looked up and seen East sitting beside me holding my hand. I moved my hand away from him coldy.

"What are you doing here?" in a raspy voice.

"I came to say that I am really sorry for everything." he said still with his head down.


He lifted his head up and I seen tears rolling down his face.

"I didn't mean for nun of this to happen to you."

I stared at him and was about to say something but the door opened. It was a doctor.

"Hello Ms. Aubrey, I see you are finally up. How are you feeling?"


"That normal dear, you have stitches in you arm."

I nodded my head then stared off. I did not feel like listening to what happened or what i just went through. All i truly want to do now is go home and go to bed.

The it dawned on me. I still stay with East.

I sighed and turned looked around to try and find my phone. I seen it sitting on the table near East and attempted to sit up.

"Whatchu need?" East said eager to help me.

"Could you grab my phone for me?"


I grabbed it and seen I had many missed calls, and messages. I put my phone back down and laid down to stare off. To be really honest I did not feel like being talked to or looked at. I just wanted to be alone and by myself.

"I called Trinity and them, they should be here."

I didn't say anything back to him. i just stayed quiet. I closed my eyes and sighed.

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