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Two hours past since that argument with East. I still couldn't believe he would say something like that to me. Out of all people I trusted him.

I looked around the room and seem the picture of me and Andre sitting on the nightstans. I wish i could be with him. Life was so good when he was here.

I got up and grabbed the picture and held on to it. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked at the person who stood before me in the mirror. Is this really who I am? Just a pretty face with no intention of becoming something else. All my life people have taken advantage of me. Abused me. Taunted me. Said I won't be nothing in life. At this moment I'm beginning to believe their opinions.

As I looked around and seen the pieces of glass from the fight that just took place, I figured here's my chance to finally break through. I grabbed a big piece of glass from the ground and began looking at myself in the mirror.

If I do this no one would care. Nobody would even notice I'm gone. This will be a quick death. Right?

I closed my eyes tightly as I held the piece of glass to my neck. As I was about to do it the door open.

"Bre watchu doing baby." He stuttered.

"This is watchu wanted right, for me to get out you hair and be gone. Don't act like you care for me now."

"No baby this is no-"

"Don't fucking say this not watchu want when you show me watchu want everyday. You don't want me. I'm worthless. I'm a nobody. All you wanna do is use my body for your own need. FUCK YOU EAST!"

Now's my chance to get this over with. Make it quick...

"Baby please. I know what i said wasn't right. I know i shouldn't have said it and I'm so sorry i said that shit baby. I dont wanna loose you."

I scoffed and lowered the glass.

"The only reason you apologizing and saying all this is because of what i wanna do. East get the fuck on with that bullshit." I then placed the glass to my wrist.

I began to cut deep into my vein. I hissed. I started doing it over and over.

East ran up to me and snatched the glass. Blood covering my hands. I began to feel dizzy.

"Bre we gotta get you to a hospital."

I was about say something. But everthing went black.


I held onto hey body as she fainted. I grabbed the first shirt and tore it to wrapp around her arm. I then picked her up bridal style and raced down the stair making sure not to drop her.

I opened the door tgen placed her in the car. I patted my pockets and felt my keys. I then ran to close the door and went to the car. The hospital was 25 minute away.

Momma always told me if you can always drive to the hospital. These ambulance don't come on time for us.

"Fuuuck man." I yelled hitting the stearing wheel.

All this is my fault. I don't know what was wrong with me. I was thinking with my dick instead of my head. Aubrey mumbled something under her breath. I grabbed her hand and rubbed it.


I pulled up to the hospital and got out makibg sure to grab her.

"Someone please, help."

The rushed to me with a stretcher and placed her on there. They rushed her into the back and I walked with then until they stopped me..

"I love you Aubrey."

I rubbed my hand down my face then went inti the waiting room and called everybody.


I seen Eats rush out if the house after Aubrey. What the fuck did he do. I decide to text Aubrey.

:what happened girl, why you left

I guess she'll tell me later when she feel better.

"Momma said dinner ready." Fabio said coming into ny room

I sighed and got up. How am i going to do this with Aubrey.

"Hey baby." Momam said kissing on my cheek.

"Hey momma." I said getting nervous.

We started with prayer then began to eat.

"Trinity, how school been so far?" My dad said

"It's been good." I said giving a slight smile.

He nodded his head when the door bell ranged.

"I'll get it." I said as i got up from the table.

I rushed over to the door and opened it. It was De'Andre aka DJ.

"Hey baby."

"Hey DJ." I said hugging him.

Momma and daddy met him a while back at a football game and I believe momma loves him, but dad not so much.

"Have you told them yet?"

"Not yet." I said nervously.

He nodded his head and looked off. From that reactiong I could tell he was nervous. We walked back to the dining room.

"Everybody, i-i have an announcement to make."

Everyone stopped eating and looked up to me and DJ.

"I-im p-pregnant."

Everyone looked shock. Mom looked at dad, while he looked at DJ.

"We knew, just wanted you to tell us." My dad said still glaring at DJ.

"We *souja boy voice* i ain't know this lil nigga got my sister pregnant." Fabio said.

"Same" Isis said still stuffing his face.

"How did y'all know?"

"I found the tesy in yo bathroom when i went to get my flat iron vack. We also heard you throwing up early this morning, have you been to the doctors?"

"No ma'am."

"Well in the morning im taking you. Im very disappointed in you Trinity. I cant lie and say they im not, but imma be there for my grandbaby. I just wish yall would have been more careful."

"Me to." My dad said.

"Imma be a fucking uncle." Fabio said

"Watch your mouth lil boy." My dad said.

"Yall we need to get to the hospital." Fabio said coming from the back room looking scared.

"Aubrey in the hospotal, she tried to commit suicide."...


On the side note, i hope everyone enjoyed this chapter.❤

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