😐Zutara and Kataang😊

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Ok so I just had this idea. This was also in my drafts for a long time. <--- I wrote that 2-4 months ago.

This is long over due. I want it want of my drafts so




Me: okay so today we are reacting to Zutara and kataang.

Zuko: oh gosh.

SUki: okay.

Sokka sighs.

Katara: ....

Aang: This could be fun.

Toph: Fun for me.



(ooh some of y'all about to hate me for this)


Suki: why?

Me: cause zutara and kataang.

Toph: what about it?

Me: Kataang and Zutara is a very popular ship war and many people can be very intense about it and I think many are just quite chill about it and most people including myself loves one ship defiantly dislikes the other but still respects it and people's opinion.

All: oh.


(zutara vs kataang part one of two pause to read the disclaimer please don't attack me)


Sokka: people would attack her?

Me: not physically with words.


(Zutara vs kataang is a very popular ship war.)


Me: see.

All: yeah.


(and I'm not telling you who you can and can't ship. Just keep it respectful guys.)


Aang: how mean could people be?

Me: to the point it's a death threat.

All: yikes.


(so starting of with zutara as somebody who used to ship zutara back in the day I see the appeal.)


Zuko: which is?


(When I was 12 years old I used to project myself onto katara)


Katara: oh? Like a role model?

Me: yeah I guess.

Katara: That's nice.


(while I also had a crush on zuko.)

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