Voice actors

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Hello and welcome. I don't remember who suggested it but if you are the one please say Hi over


I have an announcement at the after this chapter so please read it.

and without a further ado




Me: okay today we are reacting to your voice actors.


Sokka: our what now?

Me: voice actors.

Toph: what the heck are voice actors?

Me: These are the people that make up your voice.

Aang: make up are what?

Me: voice.

Katara: ???

Suki: wait what?

Sokka: So you're saying that our voices aren't our voices?

Me: Yes but no.

Aang: I'm so confused.

Zuko: I don't get it.

Me: sorry to ruin your reality but I think I have said this before...... your not real....


Sokka: okay I think my head is going to explode.

Zuko.exe has stopped working.

Katara: okay okay um well since...um....okay I got nothing.

Aang: um

Suki: I don't get this...


Me: okay while you guys are broken let's start.



Sokka: oh come we know this intro.

Me: no...



All: oh..

Aang: yeah that's different.




All: okayyyy.



Aang: that was me!

Katara: and me.




All: okayyyyyy.




Toph: so baldy and other guy created us?

Me: yup.




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