(2) small talk ; rant about grammar in stories

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i was trying to find somegood (x member) fanfics but all the ones i found have such bad grammar and i know i shouldn't say that about anyone's work because they did try their best but i literally cannot.

i tried so hard to read this one fic but you don't understand, the grammar, spelling and even just the paragraphing was so bad. i was actually so sad cause the plot sounded so good.

this is not to do with any fics that i have read but i cannot read books that have 'y/n' like when i read books, i like imagining things from a character's point of view so when's it's 'y/n', i just stop functioning.

i'm not one to talk because other authors might be thinking that way about my books but i don't know. i can't
explain it any further without sounding like a complete

this rant was not to shame any authors. i know they tried their best. i just stated my opinion and preference.

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