2~ Chance

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Tommy was immediately transported to an ambulance with Phil inside and went straight to the hospital. On the way there, the thing that was in Tommy's chest was the arrow but not a normal one. It was quickly further examined by Techno to be one that caused the person that was hit by it to lose life faster than any other normal or special arrow out there.

As they approached the hospital Tommy was getting paler with each second that went by and didn't have much time left.

Techno, Wilbur, and Tubbo were following right behind the ambulance the whole time there.

They immediately got out of the car and ran to Tommy's room to were he could get hocked to a special thing that gave the doctors more time as well.

One of the doctors spoke,

"We need to get blood back into him as we take the arrow out." The time was beginning to  run low. They knew before hand that they didn't have time to grab a spar blood bag and needed a relative or a claw family member to donate.

"I will d-"

Tubbo tried to say before Techno interrupted the young brunette and volunteered to help his little brother.

Techno was hooked up quickly to Tommy and as the operation carried along, everything was going smoothly.


A few hours went by with Tommy successfully being bandaged up and taken care of.

The night came rolling around really fast and all 3 boys were asleep next to Tommy's bed with there heads feasting on the bed and Phil asleep in the chair close to the boys as well.

Tubbo wasn't really asleep and neither was Techno.

"Hey Techno, do you think this is all my fault, my fault that Tommy almost lost his life?"

It was clear to the pinkette that small tears were rolling down Tubbo's checks.

"No. Not at all it's really my fault I should of been more careful around that thing anyways." He calmed his voice so no one could hear nor wake up and it seemed to calm Tubbo down.

Techno felt all the fault was on him and none was on Tubbo. And Techno knew that Tommy would do anything for his family and best friend.


The morning then came to a start everyone was still there waiting for Tommy to wake up. They didn't care how long it would take for Tommy to wake up. They will be by his side no matter what.

And to that Tommy did wake up with the sunrise.

"Guys...what are we doing here." Everything then flooded back to him in a insist and how he saw the light fly towards Tubbo.

"Tommy?" Wilbur said and was the first to wake up.

"Heyyy, bitch boy." Tommy said with a gentle smile that he gave to Wilbur all the time.

"You ready to go home big man?" Tubbo said also showing a smile.


Everything was fine, everything could go back to normal for Tommy everyone seemed happy and Tommy could continue to have fun with his brothers and best friend as soon as they got home again. Be the gremlin child.

"Let's go kiddo." Phil said while getting up from the chair heading twirls there front door to maybe go get a doctor.

Techno was the last to speck and didn't want to. As the night continued the guilt for putting Tommy threw that started to sink in further and further. A tear rolled down his check



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