5~ Talk

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Tommy and Tubbo were sitting on the bed face to face in silence. Tubbo didn't know were to start, the last time he saw Tommy was last night after dinner. When Tubbo left Tommy to go back home was his normal TommyInnit self, nothing out of the ordinarily. The only way Tubbo could start was by asking,

"How did this happen?"

"I don't know, last night when you left to go home I went to my room with a small ache in my mouth, I thought nothing of it. But this morning was shitty. The pain got so much worse. I called Techno for help and then he called for everyone else, but Wil's reaction..."

Some tears started to fell down from his eyes,

"I then ran to your house."

To that Tommy couldn't hold it in anymore he was with Tubbo now and didn't hold any of the tears back at that moment , he didn't care that he looked like a 'monster ' now. He felt horrible for running out of the hose without even letting his family help him and not going back when he heard Wilbur call for him. He didn't give them a chance to help.

Tubbo leaned forward for his friend and pulled him in for a tight hug. Tommy didn't resist it. He sobbed into Tubbo's shoulder once again, hugging him back and not wanting to let him go. He wanted this comforting feeling to stay forever.

Some time passed with the two young boys still holding on to each other. Tubbo could still heat tiny sobs coming from Tommy, but it eventually led to the tired blonde falling asleep on the brunette shoulder still holding on.


A couple of hours went by and it was around mid day before Tommy woke back up. He rubbed his eyes open looking around the room noting that he was still at Tubbo's. Tommy stood up off the bed and walked over to the door slowly remembering what all happened yesterday. As Tommy made his way to the edge of the stairs he heard familiar voices talking to each other downstairs. It couldn't of been Tubbo's parents because he knew when Tubbo didn't come over for 1-2 days, his parents went out for a business trip. That relived him a little bit.

Tommy wanted to go downstairs but didn't really know who was down there. He didn't want to be embarrassed or panic again. Those feeling felt horrible and tiring, he didn't want that right now. He just wanted to calm down for a little bit. Back to focusing on the talk downstairs, all he knew was that the in seen people or person down there sounded like...


To that Tommy ran downstairs not remembering the part with Wilbur yesterday. He got to the end of the hallway to the living room and saw his family and Tubbo. Looking at Tubbo then looking at Techno he soon remembered everything once again, his eyes drifted to looking upon the floor. Tommy could start to hear someone walk over to him but he didn't know who it was though. He didn't want to move his gaze off of the floor, he then decided it was no use to just stand there and be useless so he looked up a little to see a piece of a yellow sweater and knew exactly who was coming over to him.

The young boy was brought into a tight hug and didn't pull back but hugged Wilbur back even tighter. He had to admit he was starting to miss his older brothers.

"Hey Toms. Do you want to come sit down with us?"


They went to go sit down on the couch with everyone else, Wilbur seating next to Techno and Tommy. Phil on the other side of the room with Tubbo. It was silence, but not an awkward silence but a accepting silence.

"I'm sorry."

That was out of the blue, and everyone was kind of surprised at those words, Tommy never apologized before unless it was for something really really serious.

"I shouldn't of ran out of the house like that. I didn't give yall the change to even help me with all of this. That was very shit of me."


They rode back home. Tommy realized as he walked back into the hose that it was nice to be back home. As he made his way to the couch to relax, he made a plan in is head to ask techno for help because they had the same teeth? now.

At the time as everyone settled back down and got comfortable it was around dinner time. So Phil got back up from the couch and began to cook. Tommy saw in the corner of his eye that Techno got up from the couch to got maybe to his room, the blonde decided to follow Techno. Wilbur decided also to go back to his room to go grab something then come back.

But he also saw that Tommy was headed to Technos room and shut the door behind him. Wilbur walked over quietly to the door and listened to whatever was going to happen.

Techno had the feeling that sooner or later that Tommy would follow and want to talk. The boy was lost and didn't know what to do.

"Hey Techno. I have a couple of questions if thats ok?"


"Cool! So 1st one, how long have you had these things?"

Techno garbed a book but still listening to Tommy.

"I was born with them."

"Wow, that's pretty Poggers!"

They continued with questions and the pinkette decided to share some story's as well. But one question still lingered inside of Tommy's mind, but he didn't know if he should ask it or not.

"I have one more question Techno, but you don't have to answer this one if you don't want to."

"What is it?"

"When you were out in public or when you travel, did people look at you differently or whisper things about you?"

Silence fell upon them.

"I would get looks but nothing to bad."

Techno confirmed in a confused, concerned way. Tommy's eyes started to fall tweeds the ground knowing that things might get better,  but he still had this feeling that things would just keep getting worse , and still questioned why people called him a...


Tommy forgot about that word and didn't know how to register it with all the difference that came from it, but a single tear fell from his eye.

"Tommy? What happened?"

Tommy looked up at Techno with a surrendered face and told Techno what happened,

"When I was going to Tubbo's and got to the busy part of town I heard whispers from all around me and they where calling me a,


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