6~ Gem

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Techno didn't know how to react to that. Calling a young boy a monster, it didn't make sense to him. He felt himself getting frustrated at that thought, but then it hit him. His mind went to a completely different problem, No one really knew how this had happened, like to what caused this.

Tommy could tell Techno was deep into his thoughts, he might of been overthinking it. He didn't know if it was a good idea to tell him what happened in town, but it was like some of the heavy weight but not all of it was lifted off of his shoulders now that he had actually told somebody.


Techno didn't notice that he was making his hands into tight fist and Tommy had noticed that the pinkette was getting frustrated by the second. He didn't want to put his problems onto someone else's back.

"Techno, I'm sorry."

"Its fine, sorry. It- it's just don't let anything that people tell you that intend to hurt, don't let it effect you, can you promise me that."

Techno pulled his younger brother into a hug,

"I promise!"

Tommy looked at that promise like is was a challenge from the oldest brother. He looked up to the pinkette a lot. Tommy took in everything and was filled with determination as he got up from the bed to leave Technos room.

He left with a big smile.

Wilbur heard as someone approached the door and took himself back to his room. He didn't know what to do now.


The night came to a start and everyone was asleep except Techno couldn't that night. This one thing that stayed in his mind kept him awake for a little bit. The question in his head from earlier lingered in his mind, why all of a sudden did Tommys appearance change?

He decided to ignore for now and get some sleep, he would return to it in the morning.


The next morning everything was normal. Phil was cooking breakfast, Wilbur was on the couch reading one of Technos books. Tommy and Techno coming downstairs at the same time.

Tommy was the same as ever, he ran to the couch and sat next to Wilbur and started to read along with him. After the talk last night with Techno it made the blonde realize that he didn't need to be overwhelmed by it anymore. After all he had a promise to keep for his big brother.

As for Techno he came into the kitchen tired as ever, and made some coffee for himself.

"Sleep much?"


Phil tried to get Techno to talk but it didn't happen, he looked really tired this morning like more than usual. Techno went to go join Wilbur and Tommy at the couch and went back to thinking about the same question. The gem. He had forgotten that it played a part in all of this mess. He remembered that Tubbo had dropped the gem when they started to run back home. The Gem seemed to be important?

Techno wanted to know more about the Gem then he already did anyways.

The Gem was a emerald green with hints of teal that stood out from all the other blues in the rock. There was also something really special about the rock, but he couldn't exactly remember what it was though.

When Techno traveled to many places he found many different things that were unique. This Gem was one of the many things that stood out in his memory from all the traveling.

After breakfast he planes to go back into the woods and look for it.

Breakfast went by, Wilbur helped Phil clean up, Tommy went to the couch again and Techno headed straight for the front door.

"I'll be back."

"Where are you going?"

Phil asked knowing it wasn't anything big.

"Just want some fresh air."

Techno walked out the door and began to make his way to the woods to try and find were the Gem was left at. Little did he know Tommy was eager to go back to the woods again and was following close behind the pinkette.

Techno got to the spot and started to look. Nothing. A couple of minutes went by and the Gem was no where to be seen. This kind of made Techno get a little frustrated but not to much. He didn't get mad all the time so he was fine. Tommy was confused on what Techno was doing, but out of the corner of the blondes eye he could see something shiny again.

He creeped his way to it not trying to make any noise or be seen by the pinkette.

He failed.


"Oh uh, Hey Techno."

Tommy continued to walk towers the shiny thing to soon realize it was the rock from that day. Techno at the blonde to see that he found the Gem.

"Good you found it, let's head back before they get worried."


{830 words}

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