10~ "Fucked up family"

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Techno was holding up well with the small crowd of people. Techno knew that Tommy and Wilbur weren't near him which kind of worried him a little bit. The only thing he could do in this situation was hope that his two brothers were together.

They weren't.

Tommy didn't know what to do at this point. He could only really do it just wait there for Wilbur or wait for Techno. The better on was to get Wilbur.

He started to look around to find his older brother, a yellow sweater can't be that hard to find it has stand out from the crowd, right? Wrong. It blended right in. Tommy looked behind him to see the lady and little girl again.


The blonde stared at the two figures for a minute before changing his gaze to the ground. The word lingered in his mind for way to long. He could feel a knot form in his throat, but he didn't care. He thought that it was over, that no one cared anymore, they were 'minding there own business'. He was wrong. His breath was now speeding up to the point where breathing was a hard thing to do now.

Thoughts started to pile on top of each other causing the blonde to fall on the floor, knees brought to his chest. Tears were now streaming down his face, barely able to breath, and clinching on to his legs. He was helpless.

Wilbur was still trying to get through the crowd he finally managed to get threw. He saw Tommy on he ground curled up into a ball with silent sobs coming from the young boy. The brunette went over to Tommy in an instant.

"Hey everything ok, what happened?"


'Monster freak helpless weak monster freak freak freak weak helpless...'

Wilbur could hear small mumbles coming from Tommy. He heard on in particular.


To that Wilbur stood back up and made his way through the crowd of people, when he reached Techno he grabbed the pinkette's hand, and dragged him back to Tommy.

"We need to go now."

"What happened?"

"Don't know we just need to get home. Tommy isn't holding up well."

Wilbur crouched down to tap Tommy on the shoulder, the blonde flinched to the touch and looked up seeing his two older brothers. This made him feel more peace to what was happening. Tommy recognized that they were ready to go and so was he. Wilbur picked up the blonde and could still tell that Tommy was still shaken up.

They made there way home.


Once they got home Wilbur put Tommy down on the couch and sat next to him. Techno joined as well and sat on the other side. Tommy's breathing was calming down but was still faster than usual.

"Hey Toms., do you want to tell us what happened?"

Wilbur asked in a time of voice that seemed to calm down the blonde even more. Grabbing onto his arms he wanted to tell them but was scared on how they will react or that it was a stupid thing to be panicking about.

"Uh.. it's nothing really."

"It has to be something. You didn't look good at all back there."

Tommy wasn't in the mood to talk.

"It's nothing."

Techno wanted to know what the hell happened.Hell he felt kind of bad because he was held up by the crowd of people not paying attention to his little brother.

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