4~ Scared

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Tommy was starting to get an overwhelming feeling by the whole situation and just stared at the reflection from the mirror and he realized that he knew who was looking back but also didn't recognize. A panicky feeling started to rush over him while with the overwhelming support, Phil was saying stuff to him but he couldn't make out what is was. It was just a whole bunched mumbled words combined together.

Tommy's eyes then followed up with Wilbur's, Wilbur had this confused, worried, shock face that made Tommy think that he didn't want him there, it pushed Tommy over.

The panic that was building up in Tommy was  becoming more visible to his family. He never was like this before. It was something, something entirely new. Tommy was finally able to pick up something.

"Everything is going to be fine."

Techno tries to say in a calming way but his younger brother stared at him for a second, and that sends chills up Technos spine. But in a inset Tommy races around the corner down the stars and was headed straight for the door before anything could really happen and in Tommys head he decided to go somewhere else none of which no where will know where so he thought.


Wil calls out and chasing after him. As he turned the corner to go to the stairs Tommy wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Damn it."


As Tommy ran out he was frantically trying to think of a place no one will know where, but he couldn't think. Overwhelming was building up faster, he could fell his throat close up again.


That's where he could go. To this thought it claimed the boy a tiny bit. He knew Tubbo lived around 30 to 45 minutes away while in a car so for him he estimated it would take  about an hour to walk there.

Some time pasted since he ran out so he was a good  distance away from his home and started to reach the busy part of town. He tried to hide his face the best he could as he pasted people, but failed. Today for some reason was very busy.

"Do you see that kid over there?", "He looks like a monster.", "What happened?", "Poor kid.", "Freak."

Whispers came from all directions around the blonde and he knew they were all about him. He started to get an another panicky ,overwhelming sensation by all the looks and whispers about him. His breathing started to pick up pace. Tears started to roll down his face.

'Freak? Monster?'

Those two things were the only things he could think about. He wanted it to stop, but it just wouldn't.  To that with his head bent down looking at the ground started to run as fast as he could to Tubbo's.


The sun was beginning to set and Tommy didn't know how long he had been running for, but he was really tired and just wanted to sleep. He was approaching a neighborhood that was familiar and saw Tubbo's house. He was waking up to the porch of the house and then it finally dawned on him, he didn't know what to do now that he was there.

Now staring at the front door his thoughts were beginning to take over him. What if his best friend thought he really was a monster now too? What if he didn't want to be friends anymore?

Tommy just continued to stare at the door, terrified of what will happen he builds just enough courage to lift his hand up and gently knock on the door.

A couple of minutes went by and nothing. He couldn't hear no motion going on in the house.  He went to go sit on the door steps knowing this was a bad idea to begin with.

Tears started to form in his eyes and he didn't want to try to stop them and just let them flow down, but by then someone opened the door.

Tubbo opened the door to see in front of him,  his best friend sitting at his doorstep silently sobbing. Tubbo not thinking twice immediately went to Tommy's side to comfort him.

As he was sitting down Tubbo placed his hand on Tommy's shoulder letting him know that someone was here for him, causing him to flinch just a little.

"Hey, what wron-"

Before Tubbo could finish Tommy pulled him into a tight hug before anything could be said and done. In the corner of Tubbo's eye and he could since that something had changed with the blondes attitude and appearance. While in the hug Tommy continued to cry into Tubbo's shoulder, knowing in Tommy's head that he might not have his best friend anymore. He took in every last second he had left of Tubbo.

A couple of minutes went by with the two boys still in a tight, comforting hug and Tommy beginning to calm down. Tommy's quiet sobs came to an end and pulled away from Tubbo. Tommy decided to just look Tubbo dead in the eyes to see what would happen next.

All he saw was a confused Tubbo but not a scared nor shocked look on his face. Tommy felt a slight relief.

"Lets go inside and you can tell me what happened, if that's ok with you."


As they walked in to the house Tommy could tell Tubbo's parents had already left. They made there way to the stairs and at the top headed to Tubbo's room in a calming silence holding hands.

{Not a ship, they are just really good friends!!}


{928 words}

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