Welcome to Alola!

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Welcome to Alola!


"Attention passengers we have begun our decent to the Akala airport here in beautiful Alola. The local time is 3:36pm and it is a warm 92 degrees today. Please remain seated till the aircraft has come to a complete stop. Thank you for flying with us today and Alola!" The captain said over the intercom in a cheerful voice. I looked out my window and saw the beautiful ocean coming closer and closer. Slowly I could make out the details of people on the beaches, cars and the Mantine surfers. I knew that I defiantly wanted to try that.

"Move over a bit y/n! I want to look out the window too!" to my right my friend Shauna was eagerly nudging my shoulder. This was our first time ever coming to Alola. "WOOOOOW! It's so bright! I can't wait to go to the beach!" Shauna turned to her right to our friend Trevor. "Trevor you didn't tell me that Alola was sooo pretty!" she grabbed his left arm and shook it as she exclaimed her displeasure with him.

Trevor let out a big sign, "Shauna how do you have so much energy still? We got up at 4:00 this morning. You should be a little less... energetic."

She gave him a pouting face "How can you not be? Look out the window Trevor! It's beautiful! It's nothing like Kalos!"

He did have a point. We got up way too early for our flight, I certainly was tired. Professor Sycamore asked Trevor and Shauna to deliver some things to the Alola professor, Professor Kukui. The two had been working on the comparisons between keystones and z-rings. Normally Professor Sycamore would come himself, but he was needed for other projects in Kalos.

Me on the other hand I came to Alola for another reason. The Pokémon League is fairly new here in Alola. Me being the reigning champion of the Kalos Pokémon League since I was 15, they highly respected my opinion. The Pokémon league has begun the construction of actual Pokémon Gyms here in Alola. They asked me to help select the gym leaders with the Professor and the Islands Kahunas. Of course I will be working closely with Professor Kukui and the island Kahunas to get their input on the matter, but we won't be meeting with him till tomorrow on Melemele Island.

The plane finally came to a stop at the gate. I let out a sigh of relief. I hate flying in planes and I was eager to get off. Slowly but surely, we were able to exit the plane. I could already feel the heat on my skin. I never liked the heat. 70 degrees is my happy zone. I also did not like going outside much during really sunny days. I am pale as pale can come and I burn very easily.

We exited the gate and stopped for a moment in the airport. "That was such a LONG flight!" Shauna exclaimed with a big stretch. She was right. From Lumios City to Akala was over 15 hours long. I was ready to get to our hotel and crash till tomorrow. Well I was ready until our stomachs began to growl.

We all had a quick laugh at our synchronized stomachs. "I think we should get something to eat before we check into our hotel." I suggested. Trevor nodded in agreement.

Shauna got extremely excited and wrapped each one of her arms around our necks and pulled us close "We need to get malasada! It's an Alola tourist tradition!" Trevor and I agreed, and we began to make our way to baggage claim.

While we were waiting for our bags there was a man in a suit with a sign with my name on it. The Pokémon League had a reputation for treating their champions like royalty when they are sent on "work trips" The man must have recognized me and approached me. "Excuse me would you happen to be y/n?"

"Yes I am." I replied.

He nodded and reached for my bags "If you and your friends would please follow me, I will happily shuttle you to your hotel." He then began making his way for the door. Outside was a very nice car waiting. The man started loading our things into the trunk and ushered us to get in.

The drive was beautiful. Shauna was right, this is nothing like Kalos! It was so sunny, and the local plant life was thriving. I had never seen such brightly colored flowers. After a long drive we finally arrived to the Hano Grand Resort. It was huge compared to the other buildings. The car came to a stop and the man rushed out to open our doors. I appreciate that he is doing his job, but I often felt uncomfortable having others do simple things for me. I awkwardly smiled at him as I got out. He ushered us to the lobby to check in as he got our luggage from the trunk.

Our jaws were wide open as we walked into the hotel. I have seen fancy hotels, but this was top tier. There were several fountains and sculptures of Pokémon. We walked across the regal red carpets to the hotel desk.

"Alola! Welcome to the Hano Grand Resort! How may I help you?" The friendly front desk clerk asked.

I walked up to her and set my mini backpack on the desk and pulled out my ID and Pokémon League Company card out "Hi I need to check in. My name is y/n."

She got an excited look on her face "Oh yes welcome! We've been expecting you! The Pokémon League reserved the penthouse suite for you and your friends!" She took my ID and card from me and gave me the keys and pointed the way to the elevators. "You all will be on the top floor! Enjoy your stay! Alola!"

I turned to Shauna and Trevor and handed them their keys. Shauna started to jump for joy "Top floor penthouse suite? THIS IS AMAZING!" she exclaimed. She started to run toward the elevator. Trevor sighed a good long sign and followed her.

I couldn't help but giggle at them. Those two were so cute. They had been dating for a while now. They knew that I had a hard time finding a boyfriend, so they didn't flaunt their relationship around me. I guess it's true what they say about opposites attracting. They were both very close friends of mine, but I secretly couldn't help but be jealous. I just turned 25 years old and I still didn't have a boyfriend. I dated a guy a few years back, but I found out that he only wanted to be with me because of my champion status. Unfortunately, that is a reoccurring theme when it comes to guys wanting to date me. Though Shauna did take me to see a psychic before we left, and she told me that I would meet my true love on this trip. Who knows if it's true or if it was a waste of $20? All I knew is that I was ready to enjoy myself on this trip.

I followed them into the elevator, and we made our way to our room. We walked in and the man already had our bags in there. The room was absolutely gorgeous. There was a luxurious entryway into the living room and had a hall on each side leading to a bedroom. The view was amazing. I went out onto the balcony and looked out over the sea.

Shauna jumped behind be grabbing my shoulders. "Look at this view! y/n let's take a picture!" She pulled out her Rotophone and we posed for a picture. "That's a keeper! I'm going to post it to PokéGram right away!" Shauna loved PokéGram.

"I don't mean to interrupt your photo-shoot ladies, but I am starving, and someone mentioned malasada earlier." Trevor said as he came out on the balcony.

My stomach growled at the thought of malasada. "Yes, we need to eat!" I exclaimed.

After a quick malasada break and exploring the tourist areas of the island we made our way back to the hotel. For once Shauna was exhausted and did not protest going to bed. I was so excited to sleep but when I was finally in bed I just couldn't drift off. I couldn't help but think about what the psychic told me. I didn't want to get my hopes up because I knew that it was all BS, but I really wanted it to be true. After tossing and turning for almost two hours I finally drifted off.


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