Childhood Fears

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Guzma's Pov:

I made my way back to my parents place. My mom would be happy to see that I am okay. Once she finds out that I was at Kukui's she would forget that I never called. She wanted me to reconcile him for years. 

I saw my little blue house in the distance. As it got closer my stomach started to knot. I was 29, I shouldn't feel like this coming home. It had always been like this. My dad hadn't been that supportive and well . . . 

I started walking up the steps. My brain flashed back to when I was a child. If I ever came home late, or was out doing something my dad didn't want there was always an argument waiting for me behind that door. 

My hand hovered over the door handle. The anxiety flooded over me. I didn't feel like the 6'4, 29 year old man anymore. I felt like that scared 10 year old kid. That kid who was only being a kid. Coming home at sundown after playing with his friends, exploring the tropical island he was born on, or out training his pokemon to be strong in battle so he could please his father. 

I contemplated just turning around. I didn't know where I would go, but my fight or flight was kicking in, and when it came to my father it was always flight. I heard yelling behind the door. He should have been at work. It was the yell I would hear when he was about to . . . 

I shook my head. I needed to snap out of it. I was an adult, and hell I was bigger than him now. He couldn't intimidate me anymore. I stood up taller and opened the door. My parents were standing in the living room, yelling at each other. They stopped and turned to me. 

My mom looked like she had been crying. She had always been protective of me, and honestly the only parent who cared about the feelings I had. My dad had always had an anger problem, and he always took it out on me. After I left I'm sure he had to take it out on someone else, and I hope it wasn't her. 

He clenched his fists and started to walk towards me. He stood up taller trying to look more intimidating. "You think you can just come and go whenever you want when you live in my house? I didn't have to accept you back into this house, but I did" He got close and pointed a finger in my face. "I did that out of the kindness of my heart, and for you mothers sake. You worried her, you always have. You never think of her, and she suffers!" 

The old me would have been yelling back at him. Getting back into his face and yelling right back at him. I've learned one thing about narcissists, and that is if you don't give them the satisfaction of a reaction they will break themselves down with me having to do nothing. 

I took a deep breath and walked over to my mom. I gave her a hug. "I am sorry for not callin', ma. I helped that gal find Kukui's lab and he invited me in for dinner. We ate and had a few drinks and I ended up staying the night. I couldn't come stammering home in the middle of the night, and I thought it would be more responsible to stay where I was." I broke our hug and looked at her. She had a smile on her face, but tears were still pouring out of her eyes. I wiped them away. "oh and Kukui says he hopes you are doing good, and get this, he and his wife are expecting a baby. I'm sure his wife would love you, sounds like this kiddo is going to be showered in even more people to love them." 

She hugged me back. "Oh Guzma, I'm just glad you are okay. I'm so happy you were at Kukui's. I've been wanting you to reunite with him for years." 

My dad didn't seem to like my apology to her. He ripped me away from her. "I am just not here? I am talking to you, you little shit. You aren't even going to explain anything to me, huh? Am I nothing to you?"

I took another deep breath. "Pops, I would love to have a conversation with ya, but you need to calm down before we can do that, okay?" 

His face became even more red with anger. "What did you just say, you little shit?" He clenched his fists. "You will not talk to me like that in my house!"

I took my moms hand and I ushered her to follow me. "Ma, how about we have a cup of coffee and relax on the patio and I can tell you about my night at Kukui's, oh and that gal I met yesterday. Her and I may be an item now."

Guzma X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now