Melemele Island

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Melemele Island


I turned over in bed and slowly cracked open my eyes. The morning sun was peeking through the closed curtains. I turned back around to hide from the light. Five more minutes I told myself. Even though I fell asleep late it was a deep sleep and I wanted more. The blankets were so soft, and I was sinking so perfectly into the mattress. I let out a deep breath and reluctantly reached for my RotoPhone to look at the time. It was 9:00. I knew I needed to get up. Our tickets for the ferry to Melemele Island were for 10:15. I slowly sat up. Before I went to bed, I let my Pokémon out of their balls. Vaporeon and Riachu were lying at the foot of the bed like they did at home and Fennekin was overtaking one of the pillows at the head of the bed. They looked so cute and comfy and it made me want to lie back down. I let out a big sign as I got out of bed. I walked to the bathroom that was attached to my room and looked into the mirror. "Damn girl you lookin' sexy today." I told myself as I pointed to myself. I struggled for a few minutes to figure out the shower, and after a few curses I finally figured it out. I was not a morning person.

In the shower I couldn't help but reflect on my dreams from that night. I was dreaming about the Pokémon League. I was battling challengers like always, but it was different. Every single person I battled half assed it. Not one tried to win. I was getting so frustrated until one challenger started to battle me. I don't think I've ever seen this person before, and I couldn't remember the face. All I remember was his white fluffy hair. The battle was exhilarating! It was reminiscent to the kind of battles I had when I first became a trainer, when battles were more of a challenge. This trainer was actually trying to beat me, he was actually trying with me unlike the other opponents. He was acknowledging me and my strengths. I was deep into thought when I was startled by a knock on the bathroom door.

"y/n? Are you almost ready? We want to get breakfast before the ferry!" Shauna shouted from outside the bathroom door.

"Uh y-yes!" I yelled back. I quickly finished my shower and looked at the clock. I was in the shower for 45 minutes! I never take showers for that long! 10 minutes and I'm done, not 45! I quickly dried off and threw my h/c hair into a messy bun. I threw on my favorite acid washed shorts and a cute flowed tank top and grabbed my sneakers and some socks. "I'm coming guys! I'm so sorry!" I returned my Pokémon to their balls, but Fennekin refused. She insisted to ride on my shoulders. I didn't protest because I was running late enough.

I ran out of my room and into the living room where both Shauna and Trevor were waiting. "I am so sorry!" They both giggled at me, I was always sorry about something silly.

We made our way out of the hotel lobby and started heading to the ferry station. On the way we stopped at a convenience store and got a simple breakfast. We made it just in time to the ferry station. If it weren't for me, we could have gotten a better breakfast. We let out our Pokémon so they could eat too. It was an hour and a half long ride so there was plenty of time for them to enjoy their food. I only brought two battle Pokémon with, Riachu and Vaporeon. Fennekin was only a battle Pokémon when I first got her. She excelled in her psychic ability, but she never produced fire. It wasn't until the Professor discovered that she was born without fire glands and would never produce fire. After that she became my companion Pokémon and has never battled since. Even so she comes with me everywhere, she is my best friend.

Trevor and Shauna went to the front of the boat to enjoy the view. I stayed with the Pokémon and took a moment to relax. I laid back on the bench I was sitting on and felt the mist of the ocean hit my face. The smell of the salt was almost calming. I opened my eyes and looked to the sky. The clouds we big and fluffy, it reminded me of the hair from the boy in my dream. It was starting to frustrate me that I could not recall the boy's face. I pulled out my RotoPhone and opened PokéBook to look through my friends list to see if it was anyone from there. I scrolled through my entire friends list and not one person looked like the boy from my dream. My mind must have made it up, I was dreaming after all.

Shauna came running back to me and grabbed my arm and began to pull me to the railing "Look y/n! There's so many Mantine! They are so CUTE!" Her voice went up an octave as she pulled me. There were dozens of Mantine riding along with the ferry. "It's like they think the ferry is a Mantine!" She giggled at her own statement.

Trevor lightly slapped his face "Shauna that's ridiculous. They are following the current to the other islands." That was one of the biggest differences between them. Shauna is very imaginative, and Trevor is more logical. I think that Trevor secretively finds her creativity adorable, he would never admit it though. They then began to playfully argue about why the Mantine were following the ferry.

I decided to go back to sit with the Pokémon. All of them were finished eating so I started to gather their bowls. I sat back down and tuned back into the sounds of the oceans and tried to get my mind to replay my dream. I must have completely zoned out because it wasn't long before we arrived to Melemele Island. As we exited the ferry Professor Kukui was waiting for us.

"Alola everyone! Welcome to Melemele Island!" Professor Kukui happily greeted us "Lets head over to my lab. Follow me!"

Melemele was vastly different to Akala. It felt far more touristy with cheaper shops near the ferry station and all sorts of restaurants and food stalls. The smells, they were amazing! I found I was getting distracted and was falling behind the group. As I started to speed up to catch up Fennekin's nose must have picked up something amazing. "Feehhn!" she jumped from my shoulders and started running toward the smell. "Fennekin! Come back!" I started to run after her. The rest of the group stopped and began to follow me. I turned to them "It's okay! I'll catch up! Go ahead without me!" I yelled to them. I turned back and continued chasing Fennekin.

I finally caught up to her when she found the source of the smell. It was a smaller food stall with food specialized for fire type Pokémon. "Feeeenn Fen Fen!" Fennekin whined for me to get her something. "Okay, okay. You win, I'll get you a treat." After I paid for her treat, we sat down next to the Pokémon center. Fennekin dove right into her treat. She was loving it. While she feasted, I looked around. Being in a new environment is a great opportunity for people watching.

There was a flashy couple who were bickering as they walked into the mall, a little girl whining to her mother to buy her a toy from a stall and an elderly couple sitting on a bench who were obviously more in love than the day they met. My eyes scanned throughout the crowds and I couldn't help but notice a very tall man. He had to be about 6'4. It made me feel very inferior of my 5'4 height. He turned and began walking down the path going past the Pokémon center. It was then that I realized he looked exactly like the boy from my dream, his hair was the exact same! I stood up from the bench so fast that I knocked Fennekin's Treat to the ground and she began to cry about her wasted delicacy. Her cries snapped me out of my trance, and I picked her up and pulled her close "Oh Fennekin, I am so sorry, oh baby I am so sorry!" She realized that I didn't mean to and licked my cheek. She knew that I felt terrible about her treat and easily forgave me.

After we both calmed down, I sat back down. I realized that I became the one people were people watching. I quickly grabbed my mini backpack and Fennekin and decided to go down the trail the boy went down. I knew that it was weird to try and follow him, but I needed closure from my dream.

A short walk down the path I came across a cute little blue house. I stopped in my tracks when I realized he was on the porch with an older woman. I panicked and hid behind a nearby tree. I was holding Fennekin tightly to my chest. I haven't had to be sneaky since I infiltrated Team Flair years ago. I guess I no longer had my sneaking skills because I was startle by a voice.

"Is there a reason yer hiding, Kid?" It was him.


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