Good Times With Good Friends

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Good Times With Good Friends


The two squealed like teenage girls. "Did he accept it?" Burnet asked. "What was his reaction when you gave it to him?" Shauna pried. I was ready to explode on these two. My love life was none of their business!

"Ahem. Sorry to interrupt, ladies, but I need another set of tongs." The two stopped and we all turned to see Guzma standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

Both Shauna and Burnet backed off of me. "Oh Guzma, you startle us!" Burnet said. She opened a drawer and pulled out some tongs and handed them to him "How much of that did you overhear?"

He took the tongs from her "Oh none of it" he said sarcastically and turned and walked away. I could feel that my face was beet red. He turned and looked at me and chuckled as he left.

I heard the glass sliding door to the deck close and I turned my attention to Shauna and Burnet. "Well that could have gone better, couldn't it?" I walked back over to the counter to continue cutting some fruit. The atmosphere was thick in the kitchen and everyone was silent.

The front door opened, and Trevor walked in. He immediately knew something happened. "I just got off the phone with Professor Sycamore letting him know we got everything here." He paused "Is everything okay in here?"

"Oh yes yes! Everything is fine!" Shauna said. She tried to cover up what just happened.

I couldn't help but scoff. "Oh yes everything is fine" I said sarcastically.

Shauna came up close to me "We are so sorry, y/n! We didn't know he was there!"

I knew that they didn't mean to embarrass me. I sighed, "I know." There was no fighting what happened. I highly doubt that anything would happen between Guzma and me anyway.

I finished up with the fruit I was cutting. "y/n would you take that outside and put it on the table?" Burnet asked me.

I picked up the bowl and started to walk to the back door "Sure thing." I went out the door and it looked like Guzma and Kukui were enjoying themselves. I walked over to the table and set down the bowl of fresh cut fruit. "I thought you weren't going to enjoy yourself, Guzma." I teased.

"Oh ha-ha very funny, y/n." he took a big sip of his drink "I am capable of having fun despite popular belief." I giggled at his rebuttal.

Kukui immediately when for the fruit "Thank you, y/n." he dug right in.

As he did, we heard Burnet yell from the kitchen "Kukui you better leave that for dinner!" We all laughed as Kukui snuck some of the fruit. Kukui went to the cooler and pulled out another beer "Would you like one, y/n?"

I wasn't much of a drinker, but I felt socially obligated to take it. "Sure" I took the bottle and popped it open. Kukui went to the grill and opened it up to turn the meat. The smell engulfed me "Oh that smells so good!"

Guzma came over and wrapped an arm around me "Doesn't it? I haven't had a classic Alola barbecue in forever." His cheeks were slightly red.

"How many of those have you had?" I asked as I pointed to the bottle in his hands.

He paused to think for a moment, "This is number three. Is that a problem, Princess?" he got really close to my face when he asked that.

I laughed, "No it isn't, but I'm not dragging your drunk ass home later."

"Pshhh I am fine, just a bit buzzed." He got close to my ear "Besides, I brought you here, the least you could do would be to take my drunk ass home."

I laughed even harder. The others came out to the patio. I looked over and saw Shauna and Burnet giving me teasing looks. I stuck my tongue out at them.

"Alright everyone let's eat!" Kukui exclaimed.

I sat down with Shauna and Burnet. "This all looks so yummy!" Shauna said with a little clap.

Everyone was enjoying themselves, even Guzma. It made me happy. We all let out our Pokémon and they played on the beach. Vaporeon was having a blast in the ocean and Fennekin took a liking to Guzma's Golisopod. She always enjoyed riding on the backs of taller Pokémon.

I finished off my drink and was handed another one, what was the harm? I was technically on vacation from being the champion. I could feel that I was getting more relaxed. The sun was starting to go down, but it was still warm out. We moved from the back patio to the beach near the house. Kukui and Guzma started a bon fire on the beach.

I was now on my fourth beer and I was feeling very relaxed. Shauna and Trevor were also getting tipsy. "How about you all stay here tonight. I would hate to send you on the ferry drunk." Burnet said as she was collecting the empty bottles.

"No worries, Burnet! We'll be fine!" Shauna got up to start helping her and she immediately swayed and fell back into the sand. "Ok yeah maybe that is a good idea. We all laughed.

We sat out on the beach for some time. The sun finally set, and you could see the stars so beautifully. I had started pacing myself on my drinks and I was starting to lose my buzz. Shauna and Trevor on the other hand did not. They were defiantly having a good time and would most likely feel it in the morning. Kukui had gone in with his wife hours ago, hopefully we weren't being too loud.

Trevor got up and started helping up Shauna. "We are going to turn it in." They were both stumbling. Shauna got very giggly "I swear we aren't going to do anything!"

Guzma and I looked at each other "Sure. Absolutely nothing." I sarcastically said.

Guzma laughed, "Make sure to use protection you crazy kids!" We both laughed as they stumbled back to the house. Now it was just the two of us.

Guzma got up and sat back down next to me. "And then there were two." He popped open another beer.

I looked over to him "Should you been having another one of those?"

He looked me in the eyes as he took a big drink "You aren't?" He wrapped his right arm around me and pulled me close "Come on, Princess. You're on vacation, right?"

"Hmmm so you are the type of guys my mother warned me about." I teased.

He let out a big laugh "You have no idea!" He came close to my ear "I am the bad influence every mother worries about"

I pushed his face away from my ear "Stop it" I giggled.

He grabbed my hand and moved it away from his face and got close to my ear again. "I don't think you want me to stop." He whispered

My cheeks got hot and he obviously noticed. Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into?


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