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Heeyyy peeps, waddup? (Ok, that's weird, I'll start over) --> I'm new here on Wattpad and this is my first book. I kindly request you not to use anything from my story without my permission (or else, imma kick your ass). The prologue is short but chapter one is longer. Oh and, I'm trying to write as fast as possible and I apologise for any grammatical mistakes. If you find any it's 'ok' to comment about it, but don't go ninja on me, please. That's my authors note;) *enjoy*

How it all started:
Airplanes crashing into the sea, big ships disappearing into the depts of the mysterious oceans. We can easily track down things on land, but when it comes to the ocean we don't know a lot about it.
People are always wondering what the universe looks like, while they aren't even done exploring their own planet yet.

For a long time everything went good. Those were the happiest times mankind ever got to know. People invented new things and the world wasn't really polluted...
Then, one day, everything changed. The well known scientist, Paulus Yulius Gates, discovered a bacteria that could make anything see through for a week.

He mixed it with several other things that we actually shouldn't mess with and went to one of the richest men in the country, known as Mr. Boxtor, to explain his ideas.
Boxtor was known as someone with too much money on his hands, he would spend it on himself. But even with all the money in the world, he was really greedy and wouldn't do anything good with it, like donating some of it to a good cause.

Paul knew that if he played his cards well, he would be able to make Boxtor put all his money in his project. So when he went out to talk with Mr. Boxtor, he told him that there were a lot of treasures yet to be discovered."If you help me with this project, I'll make sure you get double your money's worth". And with that sentence, well how should I put it, shit got real.

Even with thousands of people working, it took them years to make enough of the Holy gas. Yes, that's the name they gave it since almost everyone thought that it was something given by God himself.

And every country wanted to buy it, and I'm not talking about small prizes, it was a millionaire game they were playing.

A lot of money was made and the day when they would finally pour the gas into the ocean came. "3, 2, 1...Now!", Paulus gave the signal. That was when the clock started ticking. It took only one hour to change this world into a nightmare.

It seemed that even with all the money in the world, their research wasn't good enough. They had underestimated the earth, they thought they knew what they were dealing with.

But they didn't.

Everything works on water, without it, we are nothing. Nature got infected by the bacteria, but it didn't become see trough, everything became something different. Something we only could imagine the looks of. New creatures started to occur and we lost humanity. Suddenly elves and yetis came closer to reality.
That's where this 'story' takes place, in the world where everything has yet to be found.
Welcome to "Rising from the Origin".

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