Bailed out of jail

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The guy put a gloved finger in front of his lips, motioning for me to be quiet.

We walked towards the other room and stepped over the body of my dead "neighbour". He was laying in a weird position and his body was dried up, I couldn't observe any further, since the stranger was eyeing me suspiciously. Goosebumps started to form all over my body. What had happened to him and why didn't I hear anything?

I could see the other door and we went trough it. There was a little room behind it, one of the men that brought me here sat in a chair in the corner of the room, he was in almost the same condition as the other guy. His body was also dried up, there was a bit of blood on his collar and his eyes were wide open. Was this all done by the mysterious stranger in front of me? If so, why didn't he do it to me too?

"Walk faster", the guy suddenly said.

Walk faster, walk faster? Im going to kill this guy! Over the past twenty four hours, I've been betrayed, kidnapped, abused and almost killed-and here this dude is, ordering me to walk faster.

"Why? Are there still living people here, you know, the ones that could actually hear us?", I replied sarcastically.

He turned around and glared at me, eyes full of hatred. "What's your problem, not tired enough? You still have the energy to be sarcastic, even though I could kill you any second?"

'Way to go Irvin! You didn't think of that now, did you? Think before you bark, little dog!' My conscience was yelling at me. I swallowed a big lump that had formed in my throat. Then my big mouth opened again.

"I dare you to, if you were to kill me in the first place, why help me? It's not like I asked you to." I immediately regretted my words. But that wasn't my biggest problem at the moment.

His eyes were turning red. Well, not his eyes, to be honest, it was that weird round thing in the middle that was reddening.

"You dare me, right?", he said walking closer. Whatever this is, I surely didn't sign up for it.

A weird sound was heard at the end of the hallway, it made him stop and his eyes returning to the dark blue colour they were before. He turned around. "Crap", he simply said, turning to me again. "We'll, have to run", he motioned towards a broken window,"now!".

In one swift move, he jumped trough the window. I followed after him, closing my eyes when I jumped. Déjà vu. I landed safely- at least, that's what I thought.

"AAAAAH! Help stranger, I'm falling!", I screamed squeezing the branch I had landed on. A blow from the wind made me scream harder and the branch go up and down.

The guy just stood on the ground underneath me, looking at me with something on his face that looked a lot like a smirk. The idiot was smirking! How dare he, that little... "Hey, who are you smirking at! ... FINE, I don't need you anyway." I slowly stood up, stepping backwards, towards the stem.
Ha-ha, this was actually working-take that, you weirdo! He just stood there with his arms crossed, looking at me, watching my every move.

"Hey you there, stay where you are!", a voice came from above me. I looked up and saw another one of the five men that brought me here, standing near the window. He pointed a gun at me. The only thing that was keeping me from running away screaming, was the fact that I still was standing on a branch.

The man started shooting.

I started walking faster, which apparently was a bad decision, since I lost control and slipped.
Landing on the ground with my back, I opened my eyes, just to see the guy still smirking and looking down at me. "Still think you don't need my help?"

We glared at each other while I was standing up, a loud 'bang' was heard and pain shot through my left arm. The stranger mumbled something like 'oh great' and started to run while holding my other arm. We ran for what seemed like hours until we reached a completely abandoned area. A red liquid was dripping from my free arm.


I looked around searching for water, to wash the blood away with. Suddenly I noticed the guy staring at my arm with a weird look in his eyes...hunger?

"What are you staring all hungrily at me for", I said.

"I'm not star- what do you see me for, a cannibal or something? Tsk, get your over imaginative brains straight, will you", the guy said, obviously irritated by my remark. He then kneeled, grabbing a knife out of his boot. "Come here."

Oh fine, he's going to kill me after all, better run when I still have the chance to. I looked around again, this time I wasn't searching for water, but for something I could defend myself with.

"Are you staying like that or are you coming here so I can get that bullet out of your arm?"
What? Is he trying to help me again? No way! This is all fake.

I ran to the left. After running for a few minutes straight, I realised that he didn't come after me. I turned around, scanning my surroundings for any trace of a human being, but there was nothing. Relieve washed over me, I could finally let all the weirdness out of my life. Letting out a sigh, I turned around.

I stood face-to-face with the guy.

"Wh- what, how the-" , I stammered, astonishment hit me in the face.

"Didn't I tell you that you only have the right to go when I tell you to? You are going to listen to me little one, or else I'll put you back into that jail!", the guy yelled at me. Little one? I was just a inch or two smaller than he.

"So that's the reason you got me out of there, huh. You wanted to make me your slave or something", I looked him in the eyes, making my face look as fearless as possible," well, let me tell you something; that is Not. Going. To. Happen." After I had said that, I turned around and started walking away, but something really weird - and painful- was what he did next.

He reached into my wound and practically grabbed the bullet together with some flesh. I screamed, but halfway my scream turned into a roar. Some birds flew away.
He handed me some water and I started attacking him, punching everywhere I could with my good arm which, of course, made the water fall to the ground.

His eyes turned red again, this time faster. "You made it fall."

"Well, it wouldn't have fallen if you had held it tighter."

"You attacked me." He said, while walking closer, like I was his prey.

"What?! You grabbed flesh of my arm, almost letting me die of the pain that caused!"

"The blood needs to be removed, since it could get really nasty if you don't."

"Well I already was looking for a river, but you had to pull out your knife."

"Then let me make it up to you."

What?! What is going on, is he mad at me or not? Well one thing is for sure, I just want to shift and kill this guy. But let's see whether he can make it up to me or not.


"Look into my eyes, I'll show you."

A/N :
Hello dear werewolves!
Yeeeeaaaah I have sooo many readers, it truly makes me happy. THANK U;)

Wait until next Friday for the next update!
I've got nothing else to say so, yeah, ...



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