A new... friend?

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(Ok, forget it, I'll update on Fridays:D)

My eyes hurt as I opened them. I looked around, but didn't see much.

Luckily, they had untied the ropes. Who were they anyway?

I was sitting in some sort of chamber made of stones, it was cold and there wasn't much light- even though it was around noon. In front of me was a big door with a clock above it. In the corner of the room there was something, that I thought, should represent a bed. Also, it wasn't much, but there was a small piece of the door missing, so I could look trough it.

I stood up, but immediately fell down, as all of my bones were aching. I can't seem to remember anything from yesterday, did they beat me? Where is Olley? Did he betray me? I swear, if I get out of here I'm going to have his head!

I tried to stand up for the second time, this time, I succeeded in doing so. Walking like someone had stabbed me in the knees, I made my way to the hole in the door. Kneeling a bit, I looked trough it.

There was a round thing and hair and brown lines that ended in a black hole...wait a second... that's an eye! Someone was looking trough the hole at the same time as I.

Jumping a bit, I crawled back into a corner of the room.

"Who are you?", I asked, not really sure whether I wanted to know the answer to that question.

"Hahahaha, I'm your biggest friend and your best neighbour", an old man's voice sounded from the other side of the door. "I'm all you have now boy."

So, let me get this straight; if I get out of here, trough that door, I'm stuck in another room with a crazy old man?

"Where are we?", I asked. I figured that if I wanted to get out of here, I'll at least have to know that much.

"That's what I've been asking myself for 40 years already, but don't worry boy, you'll be put out of your misery soon."

Forty years? No wonder he's crazy."W-what do you mean, put out of my misery?"

"You don't know what they do to thieves? What, have you been living underneath a stone or something? I've been sitting in a cage for 40 years and you don't even know that much?", he started firing questions at me and didn't take a new breath during the whole process. Then after he stopped talking, finally took a deep breath and calmed down, he started speaking again.
"I'm sorry boy, I lost it a bit there. This generation surely is screwed though.
Well, where were we -oh I remember. They kill thieves; they grab a knife and cut off the hands and feet, then wait for a few minutes before cutting trough the throat."

I closed my eyes and saw images of me laying on the floor with blood and- NO, why am I even thinking like that, I'm going to get out of this place.

"So, when are they going to, you know... kill me?"

"They usually do it after three days." I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. Phew, three days, that means that I still have two days to think of an escape plan.

"I'm sorry, you must be feeling terrible now," the guy suddenly said. Terrible? Why would I be feeling terrible now, I've been feeling it all the time.

"What do you mean by now? It's not like I'm going to die tonight, I still have two days left to live."

"No, you don't."


"You arrived here three days ago, you were unconscious and woke up today." And right after he said that, he started laughing hysterically.

"Was that a joke?", I asked, hoping he would just say 'yes'.

"Nah, I'm a murderer, I don't do jokes."
I guess I'm just accustomed to being disappointed, since it didn't really affect me.
So, instead of crying my eyes out, I decided to just go with the best option- use my last hours to have a casual conversation with this man.

"So... how many people have you killed?"

"Oh, getting interested now, are we?", he said before answering,"I've killed over 200."

"And why are you still living?"

"Because the survivors told me they wanted me to rot in hell, and well, this is really close to it."

A woman screamed from outside, I couldn't really understand what she was saying though. "What was that?"

"Those are widows from the village, they come here every night to ask whether their man is in here or not", he answered like it was obvious.

"But, why are they screaming?"

"Because they don't believe it when the guards tell them that their husbands aren't in here, so they go screaming their names."

Well, that made sense... in a way.

We chatted until it was dark, then suddenly a loud knock was heard. The door was opened and a pot with pieces of bread in milk was shoved into my room. I heard a loud slap and another door's closing.

"That's how they give us food, enjoy your meal."

I was too tired to argue about whether there was poison in it or not, so I ate all of it and just like that-I fell asleep.

There was a big field, a little boy was running trough it. "Mom, look at me, I am a bird!"
A beautiful woman with brown long hair and the same eyes as the kid turned around and smiled at him. Next to her stood a man, he had silver- white hair and walked to the boy. He then lifted him up, started throwing him in the air and catching him. "I'm so proud of you my son." Then suddenly a voice came out of the nowhere "Come with me, come with me." "Wake up, you need to come with me!"

I opened my eyes and looked into blue ones, or maybe they were green, I couldn't really see it. It was when I realised that there was an stranger hovering over me, that I jumped up.

"Who the hell are you!", I shouted at the stranger. This guy was a bit taller than me, he had black hair and black clothes, that was all I could see in the darkness. I quickly took a look behind him and saw the other man laying on the floor in a weird inhuman position, he was dead...but there was no blood at all.

"I'll tell you later, but right now, you'll have to come with me."

Alo everyone!
Hahahaha, how was that cliffhanger huh?
I loved writing this chapter, I included a bit of horror as you can see. I was listening to 'Kelis- Acapella' you should listen to it, it's a nice song.
- Please tell me what you think of my story and don't forget to vote, comment, send me pictures of what you think the characters should look like and follow!
Byyeeee, my dear werewolves!


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