Fur me?

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"I'm sorry Irvin, but did you ever take a good look at yourself?", Hagan said. I threw him a confused look and tilted my head a bit. He seemed to understand it. "What I'm trying to say is that your fur is white."

"Yeah, so?"

"Has no one ever told you that white fur is holy? There are a lot of people that would love to have it, not only because there are no white furred bears here and it's considered fancy, but also because there are a lot of legends. White fur means 'luck'. And believe me, people are willing to do everything for luck these days." I hesitated a bit before deciding to tell Hagan about my parents and the way I was found. And after I was done, he was silent for a while.

"Hmmm, that's interesting, I was told that wolves with a white fur were already extinct, but if your parents were part of a pack, there might be more", he said while scratching his chin thoughtfully.

"So, basically, what you're telling me is that I do have a family somewhere, and I can recognise them by their fur?" I had hope again, the only thing I'd have to do is getting rid of Arch.

"Yes, or by their scent. But you'll have to be careful, you shouldn't shift whenever you feel like it, the enemy is always watching you. Olley told me that you've got some problems with shifting, so take this." He handed me some of the juice I drank earlier. What was it called again?... ... Ah, I remember, 'juice from the Clover tree'.

My thoughts were interrupted by a wolf's howling and one transformed one barking at Hagan. He seemed to understand what it was saying and was nodding. His face went pale and he stood up.

"Irvin, you're always welcome here, if you have anything to ask or if you need help, but right now, you've got to go. Run as fast as you can, to a place where no one can see you. And remember; do not shift!" And with that said, he turned around and ran in the opposite direction. Olley greeted me from behind and handed me my stuff, I fastened the sword around my belt together with the bottle of juice.

"Bye Olley, thanks for bringing me here."

"It's okay Irvin, I'll see you sooner or later anyway. Just make sure you're alive when I see you." I laughed and nodded.

Figuring out which way I came from, I walked into the forest. Even though there was a full moon right above my head, I was surrounded by darkness. I didn't know which way to go and was completely lost until I felt something near my feet.
I reached down, only to be met halfway with an enthusiastic Venom.

Relieve washed over me. "Hey there Venom, at least you were concerned about me. Do you know which way we should go?" It was like he understood what I was saying, since he turned around and started walking.


After walking for what seemed like an eternity, we finally reached Arch's house. He was pacing in front of it.

"Hey Arch, what happened, you've never lost your calmness before." He looked up and punched me in the face. "What the he-" venom let out a loud bark. I was rubbing my jaw.

"Where the hell have you been?!"

And then, it all downed on me. I smirked "you've been worrying about me, haven't you?"

"No, you bastard. A girl from the village was kidnapped a day ago." He sighed. "I wanted to go to the Haylera clan tomorrow instead of searching for your lazy ass."

I decided to ignore his dreadful comment on my ass and asked further. "Haylera clan?"

"The abandoned princess of this Kingdom, Haylera. She has been kidnapping girls from the village at random times and no one is doing something about it."

"And how are we supposed to find her?"

"She lives at the opposite of my house. On the other side of the forest."

"What?! That would mean travelling for over a month, and why are you being this generous anyway?"

"Not if we take a shortcut, straight trough the forest. I'm not being generous, if we get that girl back, we'll be rewarded with 50000 Rodairy." There it is, his true nature.

"Tomorrow it is. now if you'll excuse me, I'll be heading towards that nice couch you have near the fireplace."

I got some sheets and made myself comfortable on the couch. I lay there, looking out of the window. As I was looking at all of the stars, thoughts and questions were drifting into my mind. What happened with Hagan? Did Venom really follow me or did Arch send him? And what's up with this Haylera clan, why was the princess abandoned? It isn't normal to kidnap little girls just because you hate the kingdom and your parents' decision. Also, will we make it trough the forest alive? But these weren't the only things that were bothering me, I was thinking about other things as well. Like, how did my parents react to me running away from home. And my sister, what about her? What would they be doing right now?

I was still thinking, when my vision became blurry and I fell asleep.

"Irvin help me, listen!" A girl was calling my name, but I couldn't see her face, only her jewellery. And the way she was stuck in some sort of trap with ropes. How am I going to get her out of there?

Of course! My sword. I reached for it but looked down when I felt nothing. I need something sharp.
Like claws.

But I can't shift, Hagan told me not to. Oh well, there's no enemy here, the only thing I see, is a girl in need.
I transformed, and just as I was about to reach a rope with my claw, an arrow went right trough my paw. I looked into the direction where it came from.

And there stood Arch, looking at me with a big smile plastered on his face.

Hey everyone!
-Short chapter, I know:(
the next one will be longer, I promise. (And I never (okay maybe sometimes) break my promises)
- link to the picture-->http://i.imgur.com/LBwkn.jpg
- I like this new version of Wattpad:D
-Until next Friday!


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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2015 ⏰

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