What are the chances this apple goes up your ass?

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About ten minutes had past. The king and queen wouldn't be here today because they were in town. I watched out of the corner of my eye as Dream moved his foot constantly. "You hurt your ankle during practice yesterday?" "You fucking swiped at me with your scythe." I laughed. "Oh yeahhhh." I completely forgot that I used my scythe yesterday. I looked back at Toby, he was be too quiet for my liking. His back was where his ass should be and his ass was where his back should be on his throne. Toby waved at me and I waved back.

It was about to be thirty minutes. I had the apple in my hand still, even though it was from breakfast. Toby looked at the apple, looked at me, looked at Tommy, then looked back at the apple. This isn't going to end good and I already know it. "Can I have your apple Wil?" I sighed and turned to Toby. "Sure." I handed him the apple and watched as he examined it. "Hey Tommy. What do you think the chances would be I shove this apple up your arse?" Tommy pivoted on his heel and looked his friend dead in the eye. "Out of ten?" I listened as Toby hummed in reasons. I turned to see what would happen. Dream was watching, I could clearly tell he was intrigued. Toby smirked at Tommy. "Three two one..." They pointed at each other and shouted. "ONE." Toby smiled and Tommy's eyes widened. I smiled, oh now this is fun. "DAMN NOOOOO!!!" Tommy started sprinting across the throne room and Toby followed holding the apple in his right hand. Dream jumped off his throne to join in the fun. I looked over at Niki and walked over sitting next to her throne. "They're gonna kill each other, you know that?" I nodded and smirked at Niki. "Tommy won't harm him." Niki burst out laughing. "What? What's so funny?" "Oh I know Tommy won't harm Tubbo! I'm scared that Tubbo really is gonna shove that apple up his ass!" I started dying as well. If you took a look at this from a strangers point of view, you'd think we're insane.

About an hour had past now. George showed up a good five minutes ago. He was just sitting on Dream's lap. I couldn't clearly hear what they were talking about but sometimes Niki would join in. I was preventing two teenagers from killing each other! Tommy had his sword drawn and Toby, well Toby just had an apple. I summoned a voice I hadn't use in awhile. "BOYS. ENOUGH." They both stopped. "Sorry Wilbur." They said almost in sync. Tommy gasped. "Let's go to the garden Tubbo!" "Okay!" I watched as Toby dropped the apple and ran after his friend. I could clearly hear what George was talking about. "Yeah he just started acting weird all of a sudden. He just kept asking for a book and he seemed really torn." I slowly walked over to the others. "You talkin about Ranboo?" George nodded. "Yeah it was really weird. He just stopped knowing what was happening." I was there whenever he started freaking out. He just started panicking about a book then started talking to himself.

I checked the time. Almost five. "George we gotta go." George groaned. "I wanna stay with Dream thoughhhhh." "Your dad will kill me. Let's go." Before George hopped off Dream's lap, Dream kissed his forehead. I waved to Niki and she ran over and hugged me. "See ya tomorrow Wil!" I hummed in response. I teleported to Tommy. "Dude we gotta go." "Why?" Tommy turned flowers in his hair as Toby was giggling on the floor. "Phil wants us home for dinner." "Yeah, yeah okay. Bye Tubbo!" "Bye!!" Toby got up and started heading towards his room. I took Tommy's head and teleported back to the throne room. I grabbed George's hand. "Bye!" Niki and Dream waved as we teleported back to L'Manburg. George ran off towards the palace even though I already asked him if he wanted to be teleported, he declined.

I opened the door to our house. "Phil we're home!" The house smelled like bananas, preferably banana bread. I turned to Tommy and started shaking him. "Fundy made banana bread." I whispered into his ear. Tommy screeched and ran towards the kitchen, I followed him, of course. I didn't want Tommy eating all the banana bread. I realized that we didn't even take off our armor upon entering. I beat Tommy to our kitchen counter and sat down on one of the bar stools. Tommy almost fell while running. I watched as he climbed onto the bar stool next to me. Fundy hadn't noticed us, even though we had a very very loud arrival. Fundy turned around and yelled. "JESUS YOU TWO!" Tommy started giggling. "So uhm. Where's the banana bread?" Fundy looked me dead in the eyes. "Not even a hello to your favorite person?" "Hi Fundy. Also you're not my favorite person." Fundy shrugged, knowing that was the best he was getting. I watched as he placed slices of the bread on the counter. I ate mine like a human, while Tommy shoved it in his face. Fundy cleaned off the counter where Tommy had made a mess. "What do you need Tommy? I feel your eyes on me." "You're still a furry." Fundy shot his head up, started twisting the towel up then hit Tommy's hand with it. I laughed then got shot down by Fundy. I heard the front door open and Phil walked into the kitchen. He was carrying a bucket. "Hello boys!" Tommy tried to peak in the bucket. "What's for dinner?" "Salmon." I cheered, salmon was the fucking best thing ever.

We finished eating and I groaned. "Something wrong Wil?" "I have night shift at he palace." Tommy looked at me. "Noooooo, that means I do too." Phil sighed slightly. "Well you boys should have fun! Also Wil how was the dinner?" "AWESOME!" I ran to put my armor back on. We weren't allowed to wear it during meals. "Well we gotta go now! Bye Phil, and Fundy don't stay too late you have early morning shift!" Fundy groaned. "What time?" "Well Tommy and I end shift at three so I'd say four." And with that Fundy slammed his head on the counter, then slowly started to fall to the floor. I turned to Tommy. "Ready?" Tommy nodded. He grabbed my arm and we teleported to our shift. Now for a very long night.

(1.1k words)

lOl SaLmOn. I needed to involve salmon somewhere along the line. Also the title killed me but it related to the first bit lol.

-Lana <3

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