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I held my head. Why'd I have to have these dreams? They're bothering me more and more after I have them. I grumbled a little then stood up. Only two more days until I have to go meet with the person in the field. I must've zoned out because I suddenly heard Tubbo talking to me from the door. I turned my head slowly, I didn't mean for it to be creepy but it scared Tubbo. "Huh?" Tubbo exhaled sharply. "Don't do that. That was terrifying. Also, Tommy says that you can take us into town." I yawned then nodded. "I can do that. Tommy has shift from three to six then I have it from seven to nine. So yeah we can go now." Tubbo cheered then ran out of the room closing the door. I quickly got changed. I decided to wear something decent. I pulled on my blue sweater with a logo on it. I had decided on wearing shorts because it wasn't too cold out. I slipped on my Vans and ran down the stairs.

Tommy and Tubbo were sitting in the lounge talking. Phil was making coffee in the kitchen. The house smelled of pastries. I quickly walked into the kitchen and was greeted by a furry. "Morning Fundy!" He smiled and waved to me. "Did you have early morning shift?" Fundy gave a thumbs up then threw me a banana. "Thanks dude. Also, when you see Callahan next tell him I say hi." Fundy yawned then nodded.

I leaned on the door frame of the lounge. I slowly peeled my banana and listened in on the teens conversation. "Tommy, I'm serious. There's something wrong with Ranboo." I watched and listened carefully. What were these turds on about? Also, if Tubbo is serious then he means business. "Toby I know. Wil has noticed too. But again nobody knows what's going on with him." Tommy never called Tubbo Toby, so I was shocked. I decided to mess with them. I teleported in the seat in front of them, next to the fireplace. "I heard you were talking bout me." The two boys screamed at almost the same time. Of course, that got a good laugh out of me. "Now let's go you two. If you wanna go into town we gotta go before Tommy's shift." I watched as the two boys got up from the couch and towards the door. Tommy slid on his Converses and Tubbo tied his boots. I opened the door for them and we headed out. Maybe, today would be normal. But with Tommy and Tubbo no way could that happen.

We stopped in front of the book store. Tubbo is dyslexic and I don't think Tommy can read, so I have no idea why we're here. "Why are we here again? You both can't read so ya know." Tubbo was unfazed by my comment but Tommy on the other hand, shot me a wicked glare. "We wanna check something Wil." Tommy snarled at me and walked inside. We were met by a female. She looked up from her book and smiled. "Hello and welcome! I'm Cara or Caroline! Most people call me Captain Puffy!" Tommy glared then mumbled rather loudly. "Another furry." Puffy was definitely a shape shifter. I quickly jabbed Tommy. "Hi Miss Puffy! I'm Tubbo! Uhm I was wondering if you sold journals or writing books or something." I watched as she nodded and pointed the boys in a direction. I watched as they walked over to the section of the books they were looking for. "So who might you be?" I turned to face Puffy. "Oh I'm Wil or Wilbur." She smiled. "Nice to meet you! I've seen you around before, mainly in your armor." I nodded then something ran into me. "Tommy you stupid ass child." He was holding a book above his head, out of Tubbo's reach. I'm guessing they found what they were looking for. I snatched the book out of Tommy's hand. "I don't know why they want this but here." I handed her the book and she checked it out. "I sold one of these to a guy a while ago." That clearly caught Tommy and Tubbo's attention. "What was his name? Or what'd he look like?" She thought for a second then replied. "Tall, probably a bit taller than Wilbur. Black and white theme going on. A golden crown. Horns and a tail, but different from yours. Also, why?" I held my head. Different? He had different horns? But Ranboo has the same horns unless. No he can't be pretending to be a demon. Maybe..? Nah, no that's unlike him. "Oh he's our friend and we were just wondering!" Tubbo lied, clearly. I easily caught onto his lie. They have a plan. They weren't 'just wondering'. They know something.

We were all sat on a bench outside the flower shop. "So why'd you guys need this?" Tommy grabbed the book and waved it in my face. "Ranboo has this exact same book, except his has writing." "So..?" I'm generally so confused. I have no idea what he's getting at. "We found it in the memory section." "Memory?" Tubbo sighed. "Yes Wil, memory. I think our tall friend isn't telling us something." I nodded and noticed two people coming our way. Both extremely tall. One we were just talking about and the other, let's just say, he has a bit of a problem with Tubbo.

I massaged my head slightly as the two approached. I really should've taken something before coming out here. Ranboo smiled at us. "Hey guys! Tommy, Tubbo, and W-...hm.." I looked at him confused. He didn't remember my name? I could hear what he whispered next. "William. No..Wayde? No..Wil! Ah yes Wil!" He cleared his throat before speaking up. "Wil! -Ranboo laughs nervously- Sorry about that!" I smiled and nodded. I didn't know he was this bad. Sam tapped his foot. He seemed on edge, maybe about to explode, I don't know. "Wilbur." "Sam." "I thought you said you'd take care of him." "I did! He stayed at my house, so technically I took care of him!" Sam snarled then started grumbling. He walked away and towards the entrance. He really is a weird guy. I suppose he really just likes to keep everything in order. Ranboo saw the book Tommy was holding and widened his eyes. "How'd you get that?!" Tommy looked at Ranboo confused. "Buddy we just got this today, chill." Ranboo swept his hair back. "Oh okay good. Good, that's good." He laughed manically for a second. Okay, now this is starting to get weird. Ranboo's eyes darted around us. "Well bye for now!" He smiled slightly then jogged off.

I watched as Tommy and Tubbo exchanged glances. I already knew what they were thinking and it was two or one word depending on how you looked at it. That word or words were 'weirdchamp'. I rolled my eyes. "Well Tommy has shift soon, so I suggest you either come with me. Then I can take you home in a bit, 'kay Tubbo?" Tubbo nodded.

We got back to the house and Fundy was asleep in the middle of the floor. I shook my head and stepped around him. Tommy quickly grabbed his stuff and left. Tubbo plopped down in the lounge. I walked to the kitchen and got some pain relivers. I took them which left a sour taste in my mouth. Hopefully these set in soon.


(1.2K words)

Ahaha funny story time. I just finished writing this like right now. And my dad walked in and asked what I was doing up so late. I must've forgotten to turn my laptop light down. Whoops. I might not be able to do late night posts anymore so funnnn. Hope you enjoy! Love you guys. I'm gonna go cry and die nowwww!
Fun fact! This is an update lol. When Fundy has morning shift he doesn't talk when he sees anybody. He normally does sign language or makes hand motions. Also whenever Wil appeared in front of Tubbo and Tommy I was thinking of the one fine that goes "I heard you were talking shit about me."

-Send Help.

Lana <3

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