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3rd Person's POV

The walls crumbled. They were no longer hardened and they longer existed.

"Gabi!!" Reiner reached out to protect his little cousin.

The sudden crumbling of the Walls took everyone by surprise. "What was going on?!" was all anyone could think in the moment.

Something far worse than worse... was happening.


"Listen to me, all you Subjects of Ymir."

What the heck was that?! I was just standing in a realm like place with sand infinitely extending and there were trails of light in the sky or something.

Yes, it was beautiful but more than anything... scary. That was Eren's voice! Oh no...

"I am Eren Yeager. I am speaking to all Subjects of Ymir using the Founding Titan's power. Every single Wall on Paradis Island has been undone and unhardened. The Titans buried inside this structure have begun to walk."

I was standing in the realm with Pieck, Reiner, and Gabi. Us Titan shifters were back in our human form but with the marks on our faces.

"My goal... is to simply protect the people who raised me and bore me, located on Paradis Island. The world desires the extinction of all Eldians. They want this race to be wiped out from the face of humanity and they won't stop until what they want becomes reality. I cannot let that happen. The millions of Colossal Titans inside these Walls will come alive and trample over everything outside this island. All the lives there... will be eliminated for good."

I walked through the now empty streets of Shiganshina. I had exited my Titan and could feel myself burning up. I don't know where Reiner and the others are.

The fact that I was injured was no help. Steam emitted from my wounds and I had to get on my knees.

For some reason... when the walls were undone... my War Hammer's hardened Titan covering also became undone and the walls had hit me straight on.

All I heard in the moment was giant footsteps and the ground pounding and thudding constantly. I looked up to see countless Colossal Titans advancing forward.

"Dammit!!" I yelled. I started crying because the tears couldn't be held back anymore. "I'm useless!! I'm so useless!! I'm sorry Uncle Willy!! I'm sorry Porco!! I'm sorry Colt!! I can't avenge anyone!! Why'd you pick me Aunt Lara?!! Why'd you pick me?!!"

After crying it all out, I got back up on my feet and continued to find somewhere I could rest safely.

I opened a door to find Reiner and Gabi inside the building as well.

"Y/n!" Gabi helped me lay down.

"We have to kill Eren and stop this!" Gabi said. I looked at her with a sad look.

"It's the Founding Titan," I said with no hope.

"The Founding Titan stripped me of my armor, Gabi. It can control all of us Titans and Subjects of Ymir," Reiner told the girl.

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐎𝐌 (𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐍 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑)Where stories live. Discover now