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Galliard's POV

The Attack Titan opened its jaw to eat the crystallized body of y/n but like I was gonna let him!

"I won't let you eat, y/n!! And I'll retake the Founder at the same time!!" I opened my mouth to bite his nape and managed to before someone quickly cut through my jaw and I could no longer bite him.

The Attack Titan fell backwards to smash me into a building and grabbed me by my hair. I noticed the man who had slashed my jaw. Wait was he... Ackerman?!

I managed to escape but was met with more people. These mere humans... They're really trying to kill a Titan like me?! They... are the real devils of Paradis!!

Then laser beams shot at them. "Pieck!!"

"Shoot and kill the enemies, Panzer Unit," the Cart ordered.


Eren was distracted by the ongoing commotion so I used this diversion to generate a new cable towards the ground.

My War Hammer Titan materialized again, and I impaled the Attack Titan in a tree-like structure. However, I was hoping that I could impale his nape but he had hardened part of his forearm to block a spike from going through his nape. His reactions were quick and precise.

Then I saw Zeke. He had turned into his Beast Titan and entered the battle. Now they should be screwed.

Mikasa shot a thunder spear at me, but the crystal that I was in protected me from it.

The situation around me was utter chaos. I was not expecting this, and didn't know I would turn into my Titan today.

Pieck and Porco were busy with other Survey Corps members and so was Zeke. Where was Reiner? Oh no... What could've happened to him?!

The Attack Titan attempted to bite my crystal but instead, broke his teeth. I wish I had enough energy to pierce his nape here but I didn't. As long as I'm in my crystal that's pretty much indestructible, I'll stall for time until my energy comes back.

Eren exited his current Attack Titan and hopped out, transforming into a new one. How?! He had so much energy!

Then an explosion came from the port. The Colossal Titan?! No... I remembered Bertholdt and became furious. Why did I have sympathy for these guys before?!

However, the situation was getting so messy to the point where the rest was becoming a blur. Zeke and Pieck were down? Then Eren grabbed my crystal, and I saw Porco attempt to attack Eren. Eren tried punching him but he just held onto the punch and bit his hand. He then scratched one of his eyes and ran off somewhere for a bit to think about his next move.

Then the Jaws came back to attack but Mikasa managed to slice the back of his legs. I was not gonna let Porco be next.

I used the last of my strength and created a spike, impaling the Attack Titan in the nape. Eren came out and was at the tip of the spike, hanging there and confused on what I had just done. I'm sure that my sudden move had thrown him off guard, because he assumed I had no more energy left. At least, I had managed to stab him a little! (Sorry if this scene is confusing you, basically the War Hammer created another spike from the ground and it shot straight through the nape, stabbing Eren in the process and taking him out of his Attack Titan. If that makes sense...)

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐎𝐌 (𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐍 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑)Where stories live. Discover now