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Porco was carrying me somewhere and I felt him place me down on the floor.

At this point, I was slipping in and out of consciousness. I was able to see Pieck with steam coming out of her wounds. Oh no... She got hurt too? How did they... successfully manage to... infiltrate us?

"I remember now..." I heard Pieck say. I closed my eyes. "The soldier that detained y/n, Galliard, and I in the pit... was a soldier I saw specifically 3 years ago. The soldier was sent to Paradis and was a member of the first recon group."

"The assistance unit that vanished?!" I heard Magath say.

"Correct... I knew that goatee never suited..."

I slipped out of consciousness.

Reiner's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat.

"Let me guess. Another bad dream?" Porco said, handing me a drink.

"Where's the kids? Falco and Gabi?" I asked immediately. Y/n, Pieck, and Porco answered with their upset expressions.


"Zeke's body was blown up into pieces, but... It's lacking. His arms and limbs are the only body parts we managed to find, so he tried to deceive us and make us believe he was dead," Magath told us. "He has joined forces with the enemy and escaped to Paradis Island. There is many evidence to support the theory of Zeke being a traitor and working with the island devils. The airship and new version of their vertical maneuvering gear are made from Marleyan technology."

"What... No... I don't wanna believe it," Porco said. He was upset and angry at the same time, it showed it all over his face. "We fought next to each other all this time... and now he's become a traitor..."

"Important people from foreign countries with great power were present at the festival and declaration. They have witnessed the threat of Paradis with their own eyes now. So in less than half a year from now... we will attack Paradis Island along with the allied forces of the world!!"

"H-Half a year?!" Colt stood up from his seat. "So we'll be rescuing Gabi and Falco in 6 months?!"

"We are attacking with the allied forces of the world," Magath said.

"No... Zeke has probably already considered all of this beforehand," Reiner said. "He's probably plotting something already this time around. We can't be waiting for the allied forces. We need to ambush Paradis Island ourselves."

Blood boiled in me like never before. I thought of my family, the Warrior candidate kids that died, and my history on Paradis. This needs to stop and someone needs to put an end to it once and for all.

Gabi's POV

A lot of time has passed since I last saw any of the Warriors. I missed them all so much... I wanted to feel y/n playing with my hair again... And I didn't think I would ever say that I missed Falco.

To comfort myself I started talking to myself. "They're just devils... island devils... devils..." Then the door to the cell I was in opened.

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐎𝐌 (𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐍 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑)Where stories live. Discover now