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Y/N's POV (Continuing previous flashback, it's now I believe 2 years after they breached the Wall)

"My village was located near Wall Maria. We were a small village, so we didn't get word of the wall being breached until it was too late. I remember hearing a strange rumbling sound... and opened up my window to see... a Titan. I don't remember anything else, besides leaving behind 4 kids around your age and I got on my horse and left.

I remembered that old man's story. Too bad he hung himself.

The 4 of us were working in a field. Well, more like Reiner and Bertholdt were doing all the hard work. Annie and I were just standing around.

We discussed the revelation of how the current King Fritz and his family were just substitutes, probably given noble status because they are Eldians who were not subjects of Ymir, therefore they cannot be controlled by the Founding Titan.

"We just need to get inside that family then. They must be connected to the true king," Bertholdt said.

"And how do we do that?" Annie asked.

"Should we get them to hire us as servants? Or do you want me to get close to one of the men in the family and marry them?" I suggested.

"No, you can't do that!!" Bertholdt immediately replied.

"You're right. I can't," I said.

"They're not subjects of Ymir, so they'll do anything to make sure their family tree isn't infected with 'filthy blood.' And since the wall was breached, they haven't hired any new servants because they're scared of invaders," Annie said. She had a good point.

"So both of those suggestions are cancelled out. It's not like I have the kind of charm to seduce a man anyway," I laughed.

"That's not true!!" Bertholdt said.

"Uh... thanks, I guess?" I said.

"Then the only opening there is right now... is to get close to the interior military police and become soldiers," Reiner said.

"Remember that we're limited on time too because of the Curse of Ymir. We only have 10 years left and you want us to play soldier during that time?" Annie said.

"The Wall was breached 2 years ago and yet the King of the Walls didn't even do a thing yet. And if the Tyburs' information is correct, then the king is bound by some kind of vow to renounce war," Reiner pointed out.

"Then let's just hurry up and destroy Wall Rose and Wall Sina, too!" Annie said. I could tell that for some reason, she really wanted to go back home.

"Yes, that may finally cause the Founding Titan to show himself but the Founding Titan is powerful and capable of absolutely anything. One roar can turn everything around and we'll die with the rest of the world, the mission having failed. Humanity's fate outside the walls... depends on us and what we do here and now," Reiner said. "After all... That's what we're here for!"

Reiner's POV (Fast forward a few years, the Warriors are now training to become soldiers in the 104th Training Corps)

Bertholdt's at it again... Sleeping in those weird positions.

The other boys were admiring his position and even using it to predict the weather. Weird.

"Yesterday was such a sad sight... I thought you would choke yourself with those wires you got tangled up in!" Jean exclaimed.

"An even sadder sight is seeing you practicing how to run against a Titan. You're such a horse faced coward," Eren replied back.

"Yeah, you can go charge up against a Titan and die from your own mistake of getting caught into a web of wires, you suicidal maniac. The Titans will definitely be entertained."

I stopped the 2 from starting up another fight. I held both of them back and stood in between them.

"For goodness sake! Cut it out!!" I scolded them.

"It's too early for this crap!!" Floch shouted.

As I struggled to keep the 2 apart, I noticed a very tired Annie and y/n.


The 4 of us secretly met outside at night to discuss our plans.

"While you 2 slept good after a long day of playing with your buddies..." Annie started. "Y/n and I were hanging out around the royal capital's sewer. The man in the black coat was different from the rest... He might've even seen my face. But if I join the Military Police, and he's there..."

"I saw him, too," I said. "He's definitely different."

"Let's just go back to Marley with the information we had. It should be enough. They should be happy to hear something other than nothing at all," Annie said.

"No... Marley will be disappointed with these results. They'll expect and want more. So that's what we'll do. In order to smoke out the Founding Titan... we need to breach Wall Rose as well," Reiner said. "The day we'll be in Trost District is the day the Survey Corps will go on an expedition out into Titan territory. Then we can create as much chaos as possible and slip out of the scene and disappear. No one will suspect we're alive if they can't find our bodies anyway. We can slip into the huge crowd of refugees heading to the city's royal capital, and depending on what happens, we can even continue being soldiers. If we graduate in the top 10, we can become MP's. Let's make this a plan."

Bertholdt, Annie, and I were quiet for a moment.

"You know... Maybe all of your friends will die," Annie said.

Reiner lowered himself, making sure his line of vision was in line with Annie's, and said, "They're not our friends. But it doesn't hurt to gain their trust, right? If anything, your antisocial attitude -"

"I think I'm going to throw up. Could you... not put your face so close to mine?" Annie said.

Reiner got up and took a few steps back. "Sorry, you must be tired. I feel bad for putting all the weight on your shoulders and y/n's, too. We'll leave it at that today."

We started walking back, calling the "meeting" off, until Bertholdt mentioned something.

"I've been having... the same dream on repeat. I keep dreaming of that old man who hung himself. I wonder why he told us that story before he decided to kill himself."


Galliard do be looking cute doe 👉👈

Galliard do be looking cute doe 👉👈

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He wants a hug 🤗

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐎𝐌 (𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐍 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑)Where stories live. Discover now