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I regain consciousness and wake up from my... sleep? But I don't get up right away.

"None of this would've happened if they let me inherit the Armor 9 years ago," I hear Porco say. "My brother would've never saved you... only to be eaten by a random Titan."

I sat up and Porco and Reiner noticed.

"You're awake, y/n," Porco said, munching on a sandwich.

"I-I'm sorry, Porco." I was tearing up. Why you ask? Marcel, who was Porco's brother, was one of my best friends. I was really close to him and when he died, I couldn't help but blame myself for it.

"Y/n, it's OK. It's not your fault," Porco reassured me. Whenever someone brought up Marcel, I would kind of start crying if I wasn't in control.

"Galliard. Were you able to... see Marcel's memories?" Reiner asked. I was seriously hoping he would change the subject.

Porco explained how he could, but he saw more memories of his predecessor, Ymir. He was able to understand a lot about her through her memories, and because she was part of the 104th Training Corps at the same time as Reiner and I, he also saw us in her memories.

"I saw you in her memories, Reiner. You acted like a courageous, strong friend that everyone could rely on at all times. It was like... you were trying to be Marcel."

"... You're exactly right, Galliard," Reiner confessed.

"That's enough. I don't wanna talk about this any longer," I said. The atmosphere in the room suddenly turned awkward and sad. I didn't like it. No, I hated it.

"Pock." Pieck suddenly entered the room in crutches.  Thank you, Pieck...

"If you're well Reiner, go see Gabi and the others. Your cousin and the other kids are so worried about you."

"Yeah..." Reiner got up and headed for the door. At least Reiner had the kids.

Pieck threw herself onto the other bed. She looked extremely fatigued and worn out, just like almost everyone else in the room.

"How are you, y/n?" She asked me. Pieck is also one of my best friends. We're extremely close.

I smiled. "Tired," I reply. Hey, I gave an honest reply.

"I am, too," Pieck replied. She fell asleep after that sentence. She was definitely exhausted.

I stood up. "I'm gonna go see the kids, too." But before I could take even a step, I collapsed and fell.

"Y/n!" Porco immediately came to my side.

"Oh dear... Don't worry I'm fine." I tried to reassure him but he was pretty smart, too, and knew I was clearly lying.

"No you're not. Rest some more. Once you regain your energy, then you can go see the others." He helped me get back up on my bed. He always looked out for me and was so caring. I smiled.


Reiner's POV

I went to go see my cousin Gabi and the others. I surprised them and as usual, their reactions were:

"REINER!" Gabi yelled. She ran towards me and hugged me. Then she went on about how we could finally go back home. I'm glad you're always happy, Gabi.

I looked over at Falco who was quiet. I was gonna talk to him but Gabi was too excited and continued rambling on about whatever.

"Come on, Reiner! Let's go and walk around town!" She grabbed my hand and my eyes widened. Gabi, Udo, Falco, Paige, and Zofia reminded me of... Marcel, Bertholdt, Porco, Y/n, and Annie.

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐎𝐌 (𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐍 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑)Where stories live. Discover now