1 || 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙣𝙚𝙬𝙨

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"Haruhi, I need to tell you something." Our protagonist-- y/n had said. Y/n and Haruhi had been walking to the host club together. Them having the exact same schedule, well almost,( y/n had taken music as her elective while Haruhi had chosen something else) was very efficient. But other than that the girls had maneuvered their way through highschool together both mentally and physically. Y/n and Haruhi were, essentially, each other's first girl-friend. Harui had never really had too many friends in middleschool and y/n had only really ever been friends with the twins, that was until they had joined the host club.

"Yeah, what is it?" Haruhi was quick to respond because she had noticed her friends' uneasiness the past couple of months. They were only about four months into the school year and besides the "reasonable" amount of chaos the club causes daily nothing besides her being kidnapped by her club and other clubs was really to crazy.  But it wasn't anything that the two girls were not used to. Something was definitely up with y/n, she seemed so much more distant but at the same time still so, so close.

Haruhi wasn't stupid. Oblivious? Maybe. Dense? Well, just a little. And though she was a little (very) hard headed, she had a very keen eye. Being able to read her friends emotions fairly well especially y/n's. You see, Y/n and Haruhi had hit it off ever since Haruhi had transferred to Ouran. Y/n being another student that was there on a scholarship and the only other girl who at the time was in the host club. Now with their new lady manager there were three, but that lady manager had no idea that Haruhi was a girl which led to Haruhi confiding in Y/n for emotional support and girl talk in general.

Haruhi wasn't the only one who had noticed y/n's ood change in her behaviour, it was painfully obvious to the rest of the host club as well. But no matter how hard they tried to find out what was wrong with her, their results were always very negligible. It was an understatement to say they were worried so now that Y/n was telling her straight up something was wrong she was getting very antsy.

"I- I just wanted to say that i'll always love you and the club..."

"Well we know that, and we love you too." Haruhi was getting more and more nervous by the second. When someone starts something off like that it's usually to ease the tension and create a soft cushion for them to land on for the bad news the person was about to tell them.



"I needed to-"


"I needed to say tha-"






The pings of her phone had interrupted y/n's words she wordlessly pulled out her phone and read the text and typed out a quick response.

"I-I have to go," Haruhi internally cursed the person who decided to blow up y/n phone at this exact moment. "I love you and the club so much and you all hold a very special place in my heart but-- Here." Y/n hastily shoved her school bag into Haruhi's hands. Before Haruhi could respond to her, y/n was already running off in a sprint.

"Y/n, wait!" Either y/n didn't hear or she just ignored her.

And just like that y/n was gone.

Y/n didn't show up to school the next day.


Haruhi had tried texting y/n in the morning with no luck, she wasn't even sure if she was getting the messages. But she still tried, after all she still had Y/n's bag. It was weird Haruhi had assumed y/n wanted her to take her bag to the club room while y/n ran to do the thing she needed to do. But when y/n had not come to the club later Haruhi was obligated to take it home with her and back to school with her to return it to y/n the next day. But when y/n had no't shown up to home room it slightly worried Haruhi. She looked over at the twins to see them with a worried expression as well. They were  glancing at the door every now and then to see if a certain h/c haired girl would walk through. She made eye contact with Hikaru and tilted her head towards the vacant seat next to her-- y/n's seat, as if to ask, 'where is she'.

It seemed as though they knew just as much as she did, only receiving a shake of his head and a shrug. Now Haruhi knew something was wrong if y/n didn't tell her something then she definitely would  have told the twins. Though Haruhi was not completely sure if she asked them they would tell her or not..

Either way the unsettling feeling that something bad could have happened to y/n churned haruhi's stomach.


The twins had been very anxious ever since y/n had started to distance herself from them. If they were going to be honest y/n was the only other person they trust the most, other then each other. Y/n had been their friend since elemetery and they knew for a fact that y/n would NEVER run off without warning. It Just didn't make any sense, they didn't understand why y/n was pulling away. When the teacher walked in the class was quick to quiet down. 

Usually the teacher would walk in with a smile , but today was different though, it didn't take an expert to see the sad look in her eyes no matter how hard the teacher tried to hide it. The class watched as the teacher dragged her feet through the door and to behind her desk. She fixed her glasses and straitened her posture before taking out a piece of paper from her bag. She took a deep breath beforespeaking,

" dear my fellow classmates and friends,

I know this very sudden and not the most proper way to say this but I don't think I would have been able to do this in person.

I would Just like to say thank you and goodbye.

You all have been the best classmates I could have asked for.?

I hope you all make the very best of the rest of your high school years.

If you're wondering why I left is because my family had sold our property to a company I am currently still living in Japan so maybe I will see some of you soon. 

Sincerely, y/n l/n"

And Just like that the twins world came crashing. An abrupt screech sounded through the class room as Kaoru ran out, Hikaru following shortly after. The teacher did nothing to stop the two from running out and skipping class. She Knew now close the three had been.


The word that y/n had left Ouran had spread like wild fire by lunch time people were buzzing with gossip. Things ranging from, "oh no!! My favorite host is gone!" to," yeah, I heard that she was secretly being bullied so she transferred." and this is how the rest of the club had found out that their precious y/n had quit the host club. Currently the host club was addled around a table their fiery glares directed at the object that sat on top of it, y/n's bag.

" should we open it?"

"that's invaded ing her privacy."

" she knew she was gonna leave so she wouldn't have Just shoved is into my hands for no reason. I say, we open it. "

" I agree with haru-chan,' i think we should open it."

"I have already started searching school data bases to see if i can find where she transfered. Opening the bag might give us a clue to where she is."

"Okay, so we're opening it?


( KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE ) a haikyuu & ouran highschool host club crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now