6 || 𝙛𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥𝙨, 𝙬𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙧

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quick an im changing y/n to (name) .

(Name)'s heart beat was loud in her ears as she read the tiny letters inked on the bottom of the bowl. "Why was I so stupid." (Name) mumbled gripping the tiny glass bowl tightly in her hands. How was she gonna explain to them her leaving out of nowhere. (Name) wasn't ready to see them and their disappointed faces. Her eyes teared up, 'will they hate me for leaving them behind?' The answer was no, but poor (Name) was an over-thinker and well, she can't help thinking the worst when it came to things like this.

"What was that (Name)?" Ennoshita spoke up.

(Name) snapped out of her self pity party and immediately reassured her fellow second year that she was fine. Ennoshita, who wasn't 100% convinced decided not to pry at it, he felt it would be too much to ask after she did all these amazing things for him and the team.

She took a deep breath in and placed the dishes carefully and brought them over to the sink. 'I'll wash them tomorrow.' She thought as she continued to help clean up. It only took about 5 more minutes to finish, considering all the people that were helping. (Name) thanked them all and handed each of them blankets before making her way to her bed.

She just needed to sleep off the anxiety swirling in her stomach. It took about 4 hours to get here from miyagi by car and it took about 9-10 hours to get to Miyagi from where Ouran was. And on top of that if they were to find out it would have been around 9pm, so they would have to leave immediately if they wanted to see her again. This was fine, she just needed sleep, she was sure they weren't that desperate to see her.

Oh, if only she knew.


(Name)'s was going great. She had woken up to order her, her team and the rest of the team's room service. And she didn't know why but she assumed the coaches had forced their teams to write thank you letters to her like how a teacher would force you to write a thank you note to the place that you went to on a field trip. You smiled happily as you were able to read some of them. A lot of them were actually really well written, though they all mostly said the same thing which was obviously, "Thank you."

After that she and her boys were able to go to the gym and do their time in their slot for practice in the gym for the day. The coaches had arranged and agreed on a schedule in which they split their time outside the gym training, their time inside the gym training, and free time for the day. (Name) was actually really excited about this arrangement, especially the free time. She saw a couple of weird little trinket shops that really only sold stuff she didn't need, but then again who doesn't want a finger puppet and or a collection of tiny music boxes. Yeah, she couldn't wait to spend her money on useless things, use it once, then let it sit on some random shelf in her room and never use it again. It was weird but (Name) actually found a lot of joy in small things that she didn't need.

Anyway, currently y/n was dragging around a cooler that she was planning on filling with water bottles and at least 2 of every single drink in the vending machine. She didn't know what kind of sweet drink her new team liked so she figured it was best to be safe and just buy all of it. While she was busy she saw a familiar face round the corner.

She smiled brightly, calling out to him,"Sakusa-kun!"

The wavy haired ace's face softened lightly but not enough for anyone except himself to notice, "(Last name)-chan..." He completely stopped what he was doing, including walking to talk to her. He watched as she pressed another button on the vending machine and yet another drink fell out and into the slot. He grimaced as he saw you crouch down and stick your hand into the filthy bin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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