5 || 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙧

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All eyes were on the door in which they saw a girl dart out of. Suga and Daichi only glanced at each other before sprinting out the door to go find out where y/n had gone. Though the only reason they knew that was her was they caught a glimpse of diamonds sparkling and no one else here wore diamonds.

"Boke Hinata Boke!  Look what you did, you scared her off!" Kageyama yelled at the poor boy.

"How do you know  that it wasn't you! King." Tsukishima mocked.

"Shut up, bean pole!" Tsukishima threw his own snarky remarks back at Kageyama.

"Should we maybe go look for her?" Akaashi spoke up, "It's getting late and it's not safe for really, anyone to wander around by themselves.... At the very least make sure she's in the building."

"I'm gonna find her first!" Hinata shot out of his seat and ran through the door Kageyama followed shortly after. The rest of the table also stood up but only, they walked to the door.


Y/n felt a lot better in this hotel then she did at the other one. With a content sigh she sunk herself deeper into the water of the bathtub. She had called her parents and explained to them the situation she was in. She told them about what had happened and them being the loving parents they were, wouldn't let their poor daughter suffer that.

They had to do something to make up for moving her across the country.

And so, the L/n's owned the rundown hotel and the five started one down the road.

Fucking rich people.

Y/n's eyes snapped open when she had remembered that she hadn't told the team where she was and to leave that horrid place. She quickly got out of the tub wrapping a towel around her body and grabbed her phone. Instantly she saw the messages from Kiyoko and wasted no time calling her back.


The Karasuno team and the 4 other boys who had tagged along to look for their manager had eventually returned to the place they were to be staying, they had decided to rest for the night and look for her in the morning, they were also going to let the other teams know to look out for her. But they got there only to see all the other teams standing outside. 

That's suspicious....

That's weird.

Saga, Dachi, and Kiyoko took it upon themselves to ask what was going on.

"We got kicked out."


"I'm sorry but we can't let you stay here anymore." One of the workers had said to the coaches who were all piled into one room.


"Well the hotel is closing down and even if it wasn't, we would have still kicked you out. We've been getting a lot of noise complaints. From the other rooms you guys had purchased."

That was how the teams had ended up on the street in their pajamas in bags. People who walked by gave them weird looks.

It was silent, this situation was less than desirable.

"Guess we could sleep in our busses for the night," One of the coaches spoke.

"There's a hotel just down the road maybe we could stay there?" Another coach voiced his opinion.

"Are you crazy? That's an Ootori  hotel. They're crazy expensive!"

Through the bickering a ringing from Kiyoko's phone made its way to her ears.

( KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE ) a haikyuu & ouran highschool host club crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now