3 || 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙗

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(a/n sorry i favor suga, kiyoko, tsukki and it shows-)
(also all bodies are beautiful just a heads up don't feel offended please<33) 
(also im not really following too much of the plot sorry.)

"So y/n do you think you'll join us?" Dachi asked as he walked up to the girl with a proud smile on his face the team had really out done themselves today. He could tell everyone tried their best, maybe not Tsukishima, but he did put a little more effort in than usual.

Y/n smiled as she stood up, "That was amazing and all of your skills were very impressive, however I do not think I would be fit to join your team..."

"What!? Y/n-chan why?!" the chaotic duo cried out.

"Well, I know little to nothing about volleyball and my cluelessness would probably be a burden." She voiced out, a hand touched her shoulder as she looked back at the person who had touched her. "Oh, Shimizu-Senpai..." Y/n and Kiyoko had met during the middle of practice and hit it off right away. They were like two peas in a pod, two birds of a feather, two cheeks off one butt. Point and case Kiyoko and Y/n were best friends now.

"That's why i'm here y/n-chan I'll teach you everything you need to know. So you don't have to worry about it, we all have to start somewhere right?" A bright smile made its way to your face as you nodded your head. Pulling her into a hug for about a minute or so, before releasing her from it but still keeping her close enough that the majority of your body still touched hers.

She smiled back and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear to which you giggled and booped her nose.

Now this was the content that Nishinoya and Tanaka had signed up for, two of the most beautiful girls on planet earth embracing each other lovingly. How angelic, how pure, how sexy?!

If you looked closer you could clearly see their cleavages pressed against each other. It was really no secret you had a beautiful body it literally said : hourglass. The duo fell to the floor with nose bleeds. And everyone in the gym-- excluding Kiyoko and y/n who were too busy in their own little world admiring each other's beauty and presents to pay attention to anything else, to notice. Oh,and Hinata too.

"Oi you lot are being too scandalous!" Daichi shouted while smacking the backs of their heads.

Hinata who was all too excited about y/n being a potential manager was bouncing with excitement and energy.

"Y/n-senpai! Will you join now?! Please, Please, Pleaaassee- ow! What was that for Baka Kageyama Baka!"

"Quit being annoying to y/n-senpai!" Kageyama had shouted at Hinata, after he had thrown a volleyball at his head.

"Say's you! You're just a stuck up blueberry!" Hinata retorted quickly.

"What did you say?!" Kageyama stomped his way over to the shorter orange headed boy.

"Hey, hey! let's not fight while we wait for y/n-chans answer." Suga stepped in before anything got physical. They all looked at y/n who turned to look at kiyoko for reassurance. The beautiful black haired manager nodded her head.

"I would love to be your second year manager."

"Welcome to the team!" Y/n felt woozy when she said that she was in a club that wasn't the host club. It didn't feel right but at the same time it didn't feel wrong maybe just maybe she would be able to accept Karasuno as her new family.

Suga smiled at the girl to which she rushed to his side and hugged him. Suga felt warm on the inside; he definitely had a soft spot for this girl already. She was kind, loving and very honest, not to mention beautiful.

( KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE ) a haikyuu & ouran highschool host club crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now