Chapter13- Home?

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I woke up to the bright sunlight shining on my face. I got up off the floor where I apparently spent the night as I was standing I got really dizzy and had to sit back down for a moment.

'If I stay here I will die, he will kill me,' I keep thinking this but I don't know how to get out of this situation. I feel like I am stranded in the ocean with only a floaty keeping my head above the water and it is slowly losing air, I will soon drowned. I keep thinking death would be so much better than this. I walk into the kitchen to check the time. I sigh a relief washed over me. He is gone and won't be back for hours. I run upstairs to take a nice warm shower and to change as I walk into the bathroom I look at myself in the mirror and all I wanted to do was cry, I looked like a punching bag if they could bruise.

I lean over to wash my face as I am I hear a faint whisper of my name I bolt up and turn around looking behind me making sure there is no one there. I slowly turn back to face the mirror feeling like I am going insane. As I look back to myself in the mirror I suddenly see myself, but it's not quit me, startled I step back trying to make since of what is happening in the mirror. My mouth is moving and I'm saying something but all I can make out is the word 'this'. Rubbing my eyes I look back to the mirror and she, or me, is gone. I feel my face morph into a frown.

"What the hell is happening?" I mutter to myself turning and heading to the bedroom to change. Finally in some fresh clothes I head to do the daily chores, knowing how clean he likes this place to be, I start by cleaning any broken glass that may have been missed and sweeping and mopping the floors.

"Allie!" The voice was back and I turn around looking to see a figure again, it was a man and he looked familiar but I couldn't place it. We lock eyes but it was like he wasn't looking at me but throw me. "Hey if you can hear me this is- ale - Al- ie." The man said then he started to cut out like he was glitching.

Then he was gone as if he was never there. Unsure of what to do I call my mom maybe if I am having a breakdown she could help me. When I pick up the phone I put in the number and as it rings the man shows up again but no sound at all this time. The phone goes to voicemail and then I hear my voice and I'm saying something over and over soon I can make it out.

"This isn't real!"

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